The biggest asshole in heavy metal

I like Machine Head's first album Burn My Eyes, and they were good when I saw 'em open for Slayer on the Divine Intervention tour. That album is one of the very few half thrash/groove metal albums I like.
aliasp said:
Julio Iglesius. That bastardo just punched me in the face when I went for a Meet n Greet.

He just looked at me with my camera about to flash and hit me saying `What? No woman? I only want Woman to come see me ... ' ... he put the boot in for good measure.


Yeah, It´s sad when you idols turn out to be assholes, saw him back in 1993 on the "All beds are rockin`"-tour. The bouncers gave passes to anyone with a vagina apparently but I sneaked in and El Julio himself caught me, he said: "Come back after your sex-change!" and waved a fuckstage-pass with the line "Girls must blow" in my face. He´s been cool to me other times, I handed him some lingere that fell on the floor when he played some gigs with GWAR the year after and that time I got on El guest-list!
Speaking of Machine Head:headbang: My girlfriend just called and told me that my new Machine Head dvd Elegies just came in the mail today. Looks like I have to pick up a six pack of St. Pauli's Girl on my way home and drink beer and watch some metal:kickass: :kickass:
Arg_Hamster said:
Yeah, It´s sad when you idols turn out to be assholes, saw him back in 1993 on the "All beds are rockin`"-tour. The bouncers gave passes to anyone with a vagina apparently but I sneaked in and El Julio himself caught me, he said: "Come back after your sex-change!" and waved a fuckstage-pass with the line "Girls must blow" in my face. He´s been cool to me other times, I handed him some lingere that fell on the floor when he played some gigs with GWAR the year after and that time I got on El guest-list!

OMG ... you too! I was at that GWAR concert.... amazing! The crowd went absolutely nuts went Julio came out and bit that spanish bull's horn off!
Mickenglanduk said:
The biggest asshole in heavy metal ? Can i say Rob Halford's? OK, not funny.
:lol: :lol: :lol: I'm laughing.

Seriously, why has nobody suggested Billy Milano yet? While I may be starting to believe that he was right in some of his rants, it doesn't make him any less of an asshole.

And the runner-up for assholes noone has mentioned yet: Axl Rose. Talented singer (yes there was a time a decade ago or so where he was known to sing once in a while), but its gotta say something when you've hired more than a dozen musicians to put out one album, and they've all either quit or been fired and the album still isn't even close to being out. Or the original members of your band form a band without you (I'm surprised Velvet Revolver didn't call themselves "Guns Without Roses")
nafnikufesin said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: I'm laughing.

Seriously, why has nobody suggested Billy Milano yet? While I may be starting to believe that he was right in some of his rants, it doesn't make him any less of an asshole.

And the runner-up for assholes noone has mentioned yet: Axl Rose. Talented singer (yes there was a time a decade ago or so where he was known to sing once in a while), but its gotta say something when you've hired more than a dozen musicians to put out one album, and they've all either quit or been fired and the album still isn't even close to being out. Or the original members of your band form a band without you (I'm surprised Velvet Revolver didn't call themselves "Guns Without Roses")

they would of but they cant,axl own the name,that why he kept gnr name even though he is only orig memebr,what a tosspot he is lol/.
I can't really think of a Metal one.... but here are some other music assholes.
Those two Cunts from Oasis.... sorry, there's just no better word.
That whiney little bitch-fag Anthony Kiedus from Red Hot Chilly Peppers.
Axel Rose... now that guy's an asshole.
oh, and I guess the whole molesting kids thing makes Micheal an asshole.
Axl. What a dick. Hes better forgotten. Anybody remember a while ago there was a audio download of him having a tantrum because somebody from the crowd yelled out "Slash". His reply was "Why dont you go home and put on your dvd or something", blah blah blah. Sounded like his balls had been cut off. or an Oompa Loompa.
nafnikufesin said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: I'm laughing.
And the runner-up for assholes noone has mentioned yet: Axl Rose. Talented singer (yes there was a time a decade ago or so where he was known to sing once in a while), but its gotta say something when you've hired more than a dozen musicians to put out one album, and they've all either quit or been fired and the album still isn't even close to being out. Or the original members of your band form a band without you (I'm surprised Velvet Revolver didn't call themselves "Guns Without Roses")

Oh my god, what the hell was I thinking? Of course Axl Rose is the worst asshole in the history of metal! He even makes Mustaine look nice by comparison. Good call!
nafnikufesin said:
Seriously, why has nobody suggested Billy Milano yet? While I may be starting to believe that he was right in some of his rants, it doesn't make him any less of an asshole.
I said B.M. because there are some Milano board regulars here...but I do think he's a dickhead. Obviously people like personalities like that, but I don't. He seems to enjoy it. But, he seems to be right on the money about...certain...things...

And definitely Rose. He's a perfect example of why some people just shouldn't be given fame and money and yes-men. He's a fucking dipshit but the celebrity cult totally fucking infantalizes people like that.
Dave mustaine. Can't shut up about metallica after 20 years. Has to slam them/lars specifically every chance he gets.

Kerry king. Same as mustaine, except replace "metallica" with "just about every band in existance"

Billy "alyssa" milano. I don't think he tries to be an asshole, it's more a result of his ego [why someone of his status has an ego to begin with is beyond me], ignorance, and supreme idiocy. It must be genetic in his case.
eighteeschick said:
Every band needs a manager - how about Sharon Osbourne? :lol:

I personally don't have a problem with her but you guys hated her this summer.

Agreed, she's managed to turn the frontman of the biggest metal band ever into a comedy icon. Is there anything she wouldn't do for money?
Danzig is a total dick but i think his music is the shit so im not complaning.(exept for danzig 5...what the fuck...)

I have to go with ulrich though, I mean mustaine and king can be dicks but they at least have some talent for writing music IMO (although many will debate that point!) but Ulrich is just away with it I think..

Hanneman is still the man though!