Death(the band) ceased being a death metal band with Human...
Human is not "death metal". death became technical/math/jazz metal with that cd...Death was cursed by being stuck with the label "death metal". stupid, stupid name for a band...why do you think schuldiner changed the name of the band? Death, with Human on, created some of the best , intelligent and thought out metal to
ever be written and played. Chuck Schuldiner rules!
Yes, Sepultura's last great album was Chaos A.D.(it's not death metal though), but I really do enjoy Against. not enough metal heads gave it chance...I always thought Sepultura(like Death) was about change, and not making the same album twice.
Didn't really think the new album was anything special though...
Don't really care for Soulfly. It's too simple and repetive...aimed at the junior high and early high school crowd...kiddie rebellious stuff...It seems like Max just wants to keep remaking Roots! He does put on a good live show, very primitive with lots of energy.
I give Sepultura lots of credit and think they have tons of integrity for not jumping of the nu-metal badwagon...They made a good nu-metal album called roots, and that came out before new metal became popular...
the most popular death metal band in the world?
death metal's popular?

Wow! I guess you do learn something new every day...
death metal is a stupid label anyway...labels are silly little things...
who need 'em anyway?