The biggest band of the genre ??

i thought we were talking about Gothenburg-type-of-death-metal :confused:

then mm... i think Cannibal Corpse beats Sepultura in popularity... i don't like either anyway :rolleyes:
Death(the band) ceased being a death metal band with Human...
Human is not "death metal". death became technical/math/jazz metal with that cd...Death was cursed by being stuck with the label "death metal". stupid, stupid name for a band...why do you think schuldiner changed the name of the band? Death, with Human on, created some of the best , intelligent and thought out metal to ever be written and played. Chuck Schuldiner rules!


Yes, Sepultura's last great album was Chaos A.D.(it's not death metal though), but I really do enjoy Against. not enough metal heads gave it chance...I always thought Sepultura(like Death) was about change, and not making the same album twice.
Didn't really think the new album was anything special though...
Don't really care for Soulfly. It's too simple and repetive...aimed at the junior high and early high school crowd...kiddie rebellious stuff...It seems like Max just wants to keep remaking Roots! He does put on a good live show, very primitive with lots of energy.
I give Sepultura lots of credit and think they have tons of integrity for not jumping of the nu-metal badwagon...They made a good nu-metal album called roots, and that came out before new metal became popular...

the most popular death metal band in the world?
death metal's popular? :confused: Wow! I guess you do learn something new every day...

death metal is a stupid label anyway...labels are silly little things...
who need 'em anyway?


(i consider only melodic death metal, so no Death or Cannibale Corpse here)

in France, Children of Bodom because they are a liked by the fans of extreme metal, and the fans of technical / prog metal
I'm not sure if Dissection is death metal. If it is then my answer is Dissection. Otherwise, I really can't decide between Dark Tranquillity and Death, since they are so different and I like them both.
I wouldn't call CoB, later In Flames and later Dark Tranquillity death metal. And before someone screams "They're swedish death metal!" or "They're melodic death metal!". Go listen to Entombed's Left Hand Path or Clandestine. That's swedish death metal. Or go listen to post IVth Crusade Bolt Thrower, that's melodic death metal.

The term death metal was first used to describe the music played by Possessed.

Labeling sucks but since they are used, use the right ones.
lol 90% of the time I see you Mac its only saying "damnit In flames and DT arent DEATH METAL! STOP CALLING THEM THAT!" hehe....:lol:
children of bodom , dark tranquillity and in flames are NOT death metal. this is metal with extreme influences. want some real death ? try nile :heh: this is death (even tough i think its suck)
Nile sucks? Man, are you out of your mind? They are one of the best death metal bands!

You can check them out on the X-mass festival with these bands:
* Cannibal Corpse
* Kreator
* Marduk
* Dark Funeral
* Krisiun
* Vomitory

And what really sucks, thanks to school, I'm going to miss all these great bands...
î do not consider any of this bands (dt, in flames,cob) and this style of music as deathmetal, maybe you or maybe i missed something but i think MacMoney is right, Boltthrower, Six Feet Under, Cannibal Corpse...stuff like this is deathmetal in my opinion...and it fuckin' rules!!!

quote from sfu:
i'll tear you up, and fuck the holes i cut into you, murderer, i rape the dead...torture killer !!!

this is deathmetal...but i wonder why it is not as popular as in flames and such stuff...

Stay brutal !
Originally posted by OceanbarD
children of bodom , dark tranquillity and in flames are NOT death metal. this is metal with extreme influences. want some real death ? try nile :heh: this is death (even tough i think its suck)

They are Death Metal. They're what you can Swedish Melodic Death Metal. Nile, Morbid Angel, and all that. That's American Death Metal.
that is why its fucking melodic death metal, not straight up death metal. Its agressive but more emphasis is placed on melody than on brutality,

Am I the only one who think they need an official "label" website so we can just categorize the damn bands and quit bitching about it.