"The Black Waltz" Cover Art

I think im in love with the new vocals :P~ (after lsitening to the samples for hours =p~)
Anyways, whatever it is, it's KALMAH!! Can't wait to listen to Antti's solos =]
18 more days to go~! dono about ppl in America but i think they'll have to wait for more than 18 days =p~
Infernium said:
Sad to see the Swampbeast thingy gone, but looks cool nevertheless. Is just me or does the fellow look a bit like Gimli from LoTR?

Yea Iliked the theme they've had for all the albums but i guess its kinda getting old
New logo and new sound are very fine.. But immediately i must have black waltzzz.. i have eaten samples. :hypno: