The Bored Thread

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
You guys ever go through phases where you're bored out of your mind? I hate that. What do you do to get out of it? :zzz:
Goin' through one right now. Nothing sounds like fun, not even alcohol, weed, video games, porn, movies, beer, movies with titties, music, Simpsons (which i'm currently watching) OR boobs! jesus fucking christ
Goin' through one right now. Nothing sounds like fun, not even alcohol...etc...

Sounds like me except humping sounds like fun. Drinking, movies, video games, killing people, it all sounds so boring. Usually spending money is fun but I don't have any right now after buying a new bike and diamond ring. Maybe I could splurge for a CD
except humping sounds like fun.

Ze woman has gone away for a while, I visited her today but wasn't even allowed in her room, visitors have to stay in "THE LOUNGE."

Usually spending money is fun but I don't have any right now after buying a new bike and diamond ring. Maybe I could splurge for a CD

Ditto except I bought a guitar and... lots of weed every week for a year and a half :erk:

Edit: I'm also 100% bored of my UM screen name and avatar.
You should change it to a nickname you had in high school.

You want to know what they called me in high school? Fecal Bomb.
heh you forgot the ':lol:' i'm shocked and appalled!

his name was Brian, totally cool guy though. he was always talking about farting and letting out the occasional 'pffffrrrrrrrrtt', thus he was dubbed 'Poot Smell'
Well, I did have one nickname, everyone knew me as Jesus. And it was annoying as hell. Even the lunch ladies knew me by it and I hadn't been to the lunchroom in 2 years. I can remember walking to class and a group of people standing in the hallway would whisper, "Hey, there's Jesus!" every damn day. So one time after they had said it, I stopped, turned around and looked at them like a crazy man and they started freaking out. :lol:

"What do we do?! WHAT DO WE DO, HE'S LOOKING AT US@#!!@"
haha yea i think that happens in every school that has some guy with long hair + beard. there was a guy like that at my school too but he was a complete dork. i occasionally would get called that for some reason :/ aside from that i was only ever called The Professor because i had some glasses i wore every once in a while and they said i was all smart looking with them:tickled:
I get called Jesus every day! Not so much lately cause my hair's actually too long right now to fit the description. Good thing, I was about to drop the next sucker who opened his mouth anyway. :lol:
Well, I tend to say this whenever the topic of boredom comes up, but we can always remember what our good friend Schopenhauer had to say on this topic:

Life is always balancing between boredom and suffering.

He was such an awesome pessimist.
I get called Jesus every day! Not so much lately cause my hair's actually too long right now to fit the description. Good thing, I was about to drop the next sucker who opened his mouth anyway. :lol:

I get it all the time too. It's really fucking annoying. Everyone thinks they are so clever for figuring it out.
I read the same latin poems and letters over and over for six hours today.

talk about EXCITEMENT

it's not even the really good ones either, save Horace's tragically cliched "Carpe Diem".
Tu ne quaesieris -scire nefas- quem mihi, quem tibi
finem di dederint, Leuconoë, nec Babylonios
temptaris numeros. Ut melius quicquid erit pati


spem longam reseces. Dum loquimur, fugerit invida
aetas: carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.