The Bored Thread

Or Seneca Minor. That goddamn Stoic bastard:

[1] Ita fac, mi Lucili: vindica te tibi, et tempus quod adhuc aut auferebatur aut subripiebatur aut excidebat collige et serva. Persuade tibi hoc sic esse ut scribo: quaedam tempora eripiuntur nobis, quaedam subducuntur, quaedam effluunt. Turpissima tamen est iactura quae per neglegentiam fit. Et si volueris attendere, magna pars vitae elabitur male agentibus, maxima nihil agentibus, tota vita aliud agentibus.

[2] Quem mihi dabis qui aliquod pretium tempori ponat, qui diem aestimet, qui intellegat se cotidie mori? In hoc enim fallimur, quod mortem prospicimus: magna pars eius iam praeterit; quidquid aetatis retro est mors tenet. Fac ergo, mi Lucili, quod facere te scribis, omnes horas complectere; sic fiet ut minus ex crastino pendeas, si hodierno manum inieceris.
I'm just as bored today as I was yesterday. Might go for a ride through the woods even though it's 25F. Might be fun.
I have never had a nickname really, but I was born with a patch of white/blonde(my hair is dark brown) hair, so this group of kids I would talk to sometimes would affectionately call me "Cum Stain".
For ages, my nickname at school was Milko. All because I was round my friend Richard's house one day, and his mom (who looked after other people's kids a lot during the day) had this toddler round who was just learning to talk. Richard tried to get him to say my name (Philip, in case anyone was unaware), and the best he could manage was 'Milko'. This definitely tickled Richard's funnybone, and subsequently, everyone else in my year's as well. After about a year of it, I wasn't quite so amused anymore.