Alice in Chains toured a bunch last year. I didn't go on purpose. Shannon wasn't the reason I loved Ze Melon, but still. The worst part is the lack of respect! Well, other than that other thing.

Once Led Zeppelin reunited things fell to shit apparently. I saw that Rolling Stone cover with them on it and didn't recognize them. All I saw was 3 old dudes olding on paper.

Oh, heyyyyyyyy. Y'all best be careful or I'm gonna sting you with my stinger.
Oh, nooooooo! But then I'm gonna die if I sting you. You know what? I'm not gonna sting y'all after all, and that's my choice. Y'all ain't worth it. I'm just gonna head on over to that flower and suck on that stamen like there's no tomorrow.

:lol: hahahahaha
I'm seriously fucking pissed at the moment. So many worthless good for nothing Mexicans in this city all trying to act hard. Fucking pussy motherfuckers, I'd gladly slam one of them to the curb, if it didn't result in a bullet to my backside.

Crapo San Lucas

I suppose if I would have actually done something it may have been fun, but I just sorta wandered around a bit and then got back on the giant Puke Inducer Machine:


I can say I've been on a cruise now, it was for a Work Thing. Even if the boat was fun, I hope to never do it again.
Were thar a lot of cute single bints who were looking to mingle a board? I picture a ship full of senior citizens and middle aged married couples looking to ground their marriage over a weekend at sea.
If this was any indication of typical cruises, it was like 75% women, many of which appeared young and single.

I think Zod was the one that said "if you want to get laid, go on a cruise" and now I understand why.
never been on one ... but my swinger couple frinds ALWAYS go ... i am talking 3 times a year ... cruises are known for loose 'gine ... chicks go specifically to get laid.
and the best part is they can't get away from you for a week.
I met two wiggers on board. They had grillz, and the one dude kept saying "you know how we do, and we DO IT ALL DAY!!!"

It almost made me jump overboard.

Oh, heyyyyyyyy. Y'all best be careful or I'm gonna sting you with my stinger.
Oh, nooooooo! But then I'm gonna die if I sting you. You know what? I'm not gonna sting y'all after all, and that's my choice. Y'all ain't worth it. I'm just gonna head on over to that flower and suck on that stamen like there's no tomorrow.

hahahah !!!


Did you see the one with the Alien?