You can tell how bored I am by the fact that I check this thread repeatedly despite a lack of any new posts.
you should be having a tornado any minute now, don't worry!

Yeah! This weather's getting insane! :kickass: Hopefully it'll blow the businesses around here away so I can actually get a job in this area. Even if it's just picking up the pieces. That and my non-existent unemployment worksearch logs can get blown away mysteriously in the storm.


Yeah, just heard a transformer explode. They make awesome sounds when they explode.
*right click, save as*
*right click, save as*
*right click, save as*
*right click, save as*
*right click, save as*
*right click, save as*
*right click, save as*
*right click, save as*

seems oddly appropriate, yet again.

Oh, heyyyyyyyy. Y'all best be careful or I'm gonna sting you with my stinger.
Oh, nooooooo! But then I'm gonna die if I sting you. You know what? I'm not gonna sting y'all after all, and that's my choice. Y'all ain't worth it. I'm just gonna head on over to that flower and suck on that stamen like there's no tomorrow.
Hey that reminds me, Blind Melon are doing some reunion shows.

Soup >>>>>>>>>>> so many other things