The boredom of waiting

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
The good news: I have some Introducing... and Checking Up... things sitting around waiting to be uploaded, from Aarni (this one has to be seen to be believed), Cadaverous Condition, Deviated Presence, Madwork, and Motus Tenebrae...

Bad news is, the site really is getting a makeover, but I'm told it will be a couple weeks before it's ready. I don't want to format things twice, so I'm sitting around twiddling my thumbs on that. At least LotFP will have entered the 2000s.

There's this newspaper thing I might be involved with, sent them some material over the weekend, but again, it's just waiting to see if they do anything with it.

Then there's the waiting to see if I can actually stay in Finland this time, and whether I can or can not, I'll have to be finding a job come mid-March... uurrgghh. Will they answer me and return my passport before my return flight date? TUNE IN AT SOME UNSPECIFIED TIME IN THE FUTURE!

So yeah. *twiddles thumbs*
Newspaper thing?

Oh, I have some introducing features coming as well - She Said Destroy from Norway and some German band I don't remember the name (sounds promising, eh?)
Occam's Razor said:
Newspaper thing?

Yeah, something from Owensboro, Kentucky of all places. I have dreams of being heavily quoted and then the article getting picked up by the AP. heh This paper has done recent features on Early Man and The Sword so I'm sure they'll be fascinated if they read the links I dropped on them.

Occam's Razor said:
Oh, I have some introducing features coming as well - She Said Destroy from Norway and some German band I don't remember the name (sounds promising, eh?)

She Said Destroy is one of the wooorrssttt names I've ever heard.
Well, I assume it comes from a Death In June album with the same title. The words also appear in different other contexts - there is a movie called "Destroy, She said", I believe.
Jim LotFP said:
Yeah, something from Owensboro, Kentucky of all places.

"Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Your work a metal magazine publisher - and as someone with an international perspective on metal - will be extremely helpful.

We'll run the story on Friday, March 3."

Owensboro's population was estimated at 54,900 in 2004.

So, I guess the question will be, will this be the most widely read article I've been involved in, or would the 2001-2002 Century Media catalog with my Therion interview still hold that record?