The Brain


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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What a messed up thing the brain is. I haven't figured out who is in control here. Am I my brain, are we one, or is it a seperate entiy from the body and all its parts?

Am I thinking, or is it my brain? Should I smoke more pot, loose a few more brain cells? Should I lobotimize myself? WTF am I typing? Is my brain doing the work, or my fingers? Does my brain tell me what to do?

I guess my coinsistent lack of sleep along with the continual crap I deal with everyday has clouded my process of living. Oh well, time to leave work now - go home for a little therapy, have some dinner, maybe work out, smoke a little, watch some wrestling, , then some computer time. All of this should give that damn brain a workout.
Originally posted by NightFlier
The human Brain.

Since I am heavily more into music than
most "other" people, does this mean that
the place in my brain that has the
memory for music is bigger than "noraml"
people's? Or is it just that that place in my
brain is filled with more stuff than
everybody else's?

OR; Does music affect my whole brain?!
While other people just store the love for
music in that one area?! >:oP
Just wondering....

And right now my areas for receiving
messages hurts alot....
I've always been rather upset that evolution has allowed a vast majority of us to use only 10% of our brain. I think it would be quite interesting to see how many more creative ways humans would come up with to kill each other if able to use more of our brain.
I LOVE the brain! HUGE brain fan!
Blackspirit, I taped a documentary series about the brain that showed a scan whilst playing music and sensors all over the brain are stimulated...
Originally posted by Blackspirit

Since I am heavily more into music than
most "other" people, does this mean that
the place in my brain that has the
memory for music is bigger than "noraml"
people's? Or is it just that that place in my
brain is filled with more stuff than
everybody else's?

OR; Does music affect my whole brain?!
While other people just store the love for
music in that one area?! >:oP
Just wondering....

And right now my areas for receiving
messages hurts alot....

Hey, I feel the same way about music.:o But I don't think that means our brains are any different and only contain love for music hehe:)..unless you look at VultureCulture's funny Brain picks.:lol:
this just means you have the huge harddisk in your head filled with information on music at a random spot. like harddisks in a computer, it's not important where the data is exactly, it's just important to know how to retrieve it.
the musicial section in your brain is more for your understanding of music, like rhythm, melodies etc. also the abilities to create music on instruments are settled here. just read an interesting book about this. all these things differ from female to male. for example, a female brain has its own section that handles communication, and therefore a woman can communicate and do other things at the same time. a man's brain hasn't got this communication section, so communicating is handled by the whole brain as good as it works, which means it's occupied during reading / speaking / watching TV. a male can either read a book OR listen to what others in the room say. maybe you have noticed this by yourself. males often turn down the music/tv volume if the telephone rings and are easily distracted if others talk while they telephone. i have this problem as well. funny thing. well this book was just amazing. i don't know the english title, but i could look it up if anyone's interested.