"The Butterfly Effect"


Neuroses Facilitator
No, not the Moonspell album, but the movie with Ashton Kutchner. I think that this is one of the better films I've seen in years. The way he is able to go back and forth to his past and alternate realities and see the after-efffects to me is a brilliant concept. I don't think that this movie did too well at the box office but to me it is really amazing.

What does anyone think about it?
Love it.

Very powerful, and amazingly Ashton Kutchner didn't completely destroy it,
..as might an 85 year old looking smoker destroy your meal in an italian restaurant.
Walter_Langkowski said:
No, not the Moonspell album, but the movie with Ashton Kutchner. I think that this is one of the better films I've seen in years. The way he is able to go back and forth to his past and alternate realities and see the after-efffects to me is a brilliant concept. I don't think that this movie did too well at the box office but to me it is really amazing.

What does anyone think about it?

It was incoherent and illogical, and had so many holes, it was hard to stop from laughing. But it was decent entertainment.
speed said:
It was incoherent and illogical, and had so many holes, it was hard to stop from laughing. But it was decent entertainment.

I agree it had some holes and it was a bit off-kilter at times but still I thought it was really a good film. The concept of changing certain actions in your life and then altering the future was really appealing to me.
I haven't had the opportunity to see the movie but even when I did see the preview for the film, I wasn't very captivated, inspired and motivated to obtain a copy to watch. The only time I'll probably ever get to see it is if someone I know owns it on DVD and wants to watch it, or it happens to be on television at some point. Ashton Kutcher isn't too bad, but ever since the series of Punk'd began to feel a little drawn-out and overrated, my respect for the actor has plummeted.

Pranking people is funny, but only the first few times and he tends to act so cocky during the punk session, where he's talking to us about the prank. Most of the things he sets up aren't all that entertaining or good, either.
I hated it, but everyone else seemed to like it. I thought ashton kutcher was horrible and some of the effects they used in the movie were stupid in my oppinion. Oh, AND THE PLOT HOLES!
I also liked the film, and regardless of the plot holes, it still got you (or at least me) thinking. And being a girl, a really had no qualms about Ashton Kutcher being the lead:)
I liked it a lot. A very unique movie, in my opinion. Definitely better than most of the shit out there. I don't really know what these plot holes you're all talking about are.
speed said:
It was incoherent and illogical, and had so many holes, it was hard to stop from laughing
i saw 5 holes

the part where the girl's brother calls Evan's dorm room phone even though he couldn't have possibly have acuired the number of Evan's dorm room's phone in that timeline

the part where he goes back to 24 or maybe 48 hours before he actually started writing the journal (Evan drawing the pic of the 2 white supremisists in first grade is inderectly responsible for Evan writing the journal in the first place)

the dog collor appearing hanging on the rearveiw mirror in a timeline where the dog shouldn't have died

"crucifying" his hands to prove to his cell mate that he can time travel should have altered the time line in a way that would have prevented him from going to jail

he should have been able to time jump while he was still in the city/county jail