The Butterfly Effect


Oct 21, 2003
War for Territory
For those of you aware that a band by this name even exists, let me assure you, I'm talking about the movie.

Right. So anyone else enjoy this pile of psuedo-psychological garbage? A mate recommended this to me on the basis of me having enjoyed Donnie Darko... give me a fucking break. As if it wasnt clear enough that Hollywood know how to make a potentialy interesting concept "family friendly" with happy endings, they overload the "what just happened" factor so that people get the "wow... I don't know what just happened, but it sure was cool", ala Matrix.

The movie stirred me, I'll admit. It fucking made me want to kill myself. Another attempt at putting a scientific theory together with some overacting and "hot topic" actors, to result in something so fucking pathetic, suicide was the only way out. If only the useless git had done himself in around the 3/4 mark of the film when he realy wanted to, as opposed to dragging out a nonsensical ending.

Anyway, I can't think of a suitable conclusion to this rant, so...

"they overload the "what just happened" factor so that people get the "wow... I don't know what just happened, but it sure was cool", ala Matrix."
i don't see how you can complain about this particular factor though, as i think they do it excesively in Donnie Darko as well. so much that they need extra information and notes in the DVD.

anyways, my point is, you went there expecting too much
if you went there after having just watched "King Arthur" like i did, you would've enjoyed it considerably more. the acting was MUCH better than i thought it would be, it was an interesting concept, and it didnt have a cheesy ending.
Why is a good ending necessarily bad? Why do you have to have the protagonist continually fail? That's so retarded.

I liked Butterfly Effect. It made me sad, and I preferred the ending in which he survived, and walked away from the girl 7 years later.
I didn't see that ending. I only saw the Director's Cut.

The protagonist doesn't have to fail, but if everything had come out rosey, it would have been a typical ending. Why keep watching movies if all of the endings are the same? It's nice to see one leave you thinking a little bit.