The Butterfly Effect

deathstrike from hell said:
ashton kutcher playing a serious role is like having jim carrey play adolf hitler. just not a good idea.

and as for the premise, i think its promising. when i went and saw BIG FISH (which i think coincidentally is easily in my top 10 movies ever) i saw the preview. the fat bully kid from boy meets world is in it, with fucked up hair and a big ass skeleton shirt. looks funny

anywho, i think mental astral projection is a possability, but the technology wont be prevalent for years. i dont know if physical time travel can ever happen, but i hope it will. the whole "butterfly" effect is changing or altering events in a way that can upset the balance of the universe.

if you were to meet yourself in the past, would time erase itself? of if you bought a camera and took pictures of the past, will they appear?

anyways, i dont know how many of you are up at 2-5 in the morning like myself, but if you are, check out am 1100. coast to coast am. its a show about weird paranormal things, including the possability of time travel.
I don't have cable tv but I'll be sure to sheck the website...thanks!