The "Can I get a 'Like'" Thread

I know, no songs up yet but I figured I'd throw my project in here since Felix & more than likely Lasse will be involved in the making of it. I am building some monitor stands right at the moment but when I get done I will make a point to like every damn one of your links! Thanks!


Actually here's an early version of the first song sans vox & Felix's amazing solo just so you can hears it:
I´m just in the middle of an facbeook LIKE marathon and I can say...YOU GUYS ALL FUCKIN RULE!! Some killertunes & killerproductions here and there :kickass:

I know, no songs up yet but I figured I'd throw my project in here since Felix & more than likely Lasse will be involved in the making of it. I am building some monitor stands right at the moment but when I get done I will make a point to like every damn one of your links! Thanks!

Fuck yeah, Mike!! Can´t wait to listen to the finished EP!!! Will you do a FB page, as well?

Sensory amusia -

"Djent" kind of stuff but with more of a death metal approach and no wussy bits ;)

This is awesome, dude. HOW DO DESIGN BANDPAGE LIKE THIS ¯\(°_o)/¯ It´s looking great! And the music kicks some serious ass.