The Car You Won't Own

It sucks how right he is. Ever seen Who Killed the Electric Car? It's depressing. I almost convinced my mom to fund me building an electric car out of her 300zx but then she changed her mind and instead I'm probably going to build a muscle car.

HA HA I can't even begin to tell you how wrong that ad is...

As a Jeep Liberty owner I can say, it is not a large vehicle at all, my car taxes are not extreme in any way shape or form. Liberty isn't really a gas guzzler either.

In order to make the point they should have used something large like a hummer or escalade. They failed.
Mopars are the way to go. My plans are a '68 Dart with a 440, not at all fuel efficient or practical, but it will not be my daily driver. Of course I've also stripped all the emissions crap off of my truck, so it's not a good example either. I'm a hypocrite.

And yeah, the Liberty is a horrible car to use for that gif, it was probably made by someone who knows what a real Jeep is and has a grudge against liberties.
And those things are the biggest gimmick ever. Hybrids piss me off, along with the car companies claiming to be green because they're working on hydrogen cars. Come on now, they know that hydrogen won't be viable as a fuel anytime soon. They're just trying (and succeeding) to distract us.

Judas Prius though, I like it. :lol:
There is a man who made a (I forget the word, so I'll describe it) pump that splits water into hydrogen and oxygen fairly efficiently, and reportedly modified his tools to run on it. so it may not be as far off as you think. I need to find that article...
Ahh, but the point is running cars off of electricity or biodiesel or many other possible alternatives is that they are available now, hydrogen is not. Yet which do automakers focus on?
electricity is slowly getting to the 70mph/400mi a charge mark, which would make them suitable for most people. I'd get one when they hit that. Now, its still 60mph/300mi. Not enough for highway use.
Tesla Roadster
The reason it has taken so long for electricity to get to that point is the battery technology available. Interestingly enough in my searches for batteries when I was planning on building the 300 I found quite a few batteries that would have worked but weren't available in America.
250 miles a charge? I hope it charges in 15 minutes.

Nope, looks like 6 hours. *buzz* Play again Tesla, I want it done within 2 hours.
...and how often do you drive more than 250 miles a day? I can sort of see where you're coming from though, and that problem is supposedly solved, now the companies who have the amazing 1 minute charge batteries just need to release them.
yes please. I may want to drive to Vegas in my $92,000 car, or Texas. Waiting all night for a charge is not a fashionable thing.





(The before and after pics)
I'm planning to build this into a post apocolyptic war machine. Flat black with spikes, and the rotting bodies of those who failed to yield. Fuck dem batteries and fuck dem they really think that our planet will end us before we end it...I say drill the sludge until the sphere implodes.

40mpg easy, and very cheap to create the vegetable fuel. They actually sell the conversion kits for vehicles for around $1,000 too. Problem is, its only available on diesel vehicles.

"A typical fuel tank holds 15 gallons. Where do people get that much vegetable oil? Most of our customers are using recycled cooking oil from restaurants.

So I can get all the fuel I need at the local fast-food joint? Restaurants can produce as much as 100 gallons of waste oil per week, which they're willing to give away. Plus, the converted vehicles have one tank for diesel and one for vegetable oil -- so you have backup fuel."