the CD versions


Jan 27, 2002
U.S. Version
[size=-1]1.) Star-Spangled Banner
2.) Declaration Day
3.) When the Eagle Cries
4.) The Reckoning
5.) Greenface
6.) Attila
7.) Red Baron/Blue Max
8.) Hollow Man
9.) Valley Forge

Gettysburg (1863):
10.) The Devil To Pay
11.) Hold At All Costs
12.) High Water Mark

[/size][size=-1]European Version[/size]
[size=-1]1.) Declaration Day
2.) When the Eagle Cries
3.) The Reckoning
4.) Attila
5.) Red Baron/Blue Max
6.) Hollow Man
7.) Valley Forge
8.) Waterloo

Gettysburg (1863):
9.) The Devil To Pay
10.) Hold At All Costs
11.) High Water Mark

2-CD Limited Edition
[/size][size=-1]1.) Star-Spangled Banner
2.) Declaration Day
3.) When the Eagle Cries
4.) The Reckoning
5.) Greenface
6.) Attila
7.) Red Baron/Blue Max
8.) Hollow Man
9.) Valley Forge
10.) Waterloo
11.) When the Eagle Cries (Unplugged)

Gettysburg (1863):
12.) The Devil To Pay
13.) Hold At All Costs
14.) High Water Mark

Star spangled banner & Greenface on US version and not in the european one
Waterloo in european version not in US one:loco:
all the songs on the limited edition
will that version be the first to appear since the most loyal fans will be awarded? was updated a bit a few days ago....
...huge update I must say. No updates since June and then that. :tickled: Oh well. I never visit that page anyway.

About the versions,I'll probably have to save for the limited edition right away since it won't be around that long (I guess) and I want to have Waterloo...don't care that much for When The Eagle Cries (Unplugged),but I'll live...
It's crap altogether. Who wants to hear a bad metal version of the US national anthem? At least they could've gotten the Prague orchestra to play it alongside.
Can anyone tell me when the dvd comes out?
cause I thought that a few months ago I read that they will be comming out with a version of TGB with a secoond disc where you can put it in your DVD player and along with Gettysburg it shows a recreation or something like that.

Am I mistaken or did I read it wrong or what?Any help would be great.