The Classics- Liberal Arts Collective


Jan 22, 2007
Visual? Musical? Philosophical? Literary? Dance? Theater? Instrumental?

Name your favorites in any form. Discuss. Recommend. Here's your excuse to bring up all you learned in those ballet classes and high school musicals.
merchant of menice in your case, since you work at a convience store :p
My favourite piece of visual art is "The Death of Marat" - Jacques-Louis David
That's interesting, that painting is really one of the best... good choice.

At the moment I don't think I'm in the mood to word myself and my thoughts quite clearly but... I can say that, during the period in which I was at my high school (we call it "liceo", in Italy), that was sort of an Art Institute, I started loving so much those painting I have in my current signature:
Van Gogh's "Starry night", "The Kiss" by Gustav Klimt, that (and others too) painting by Salvador Dalì, that Munch's painting in particular and, last but not least, I adore those works by Tamara De Lempicka... her female nudes are amazing, like do her ladies, like this one too...

But there are also so many other works/painting/sculpture that I adore... about sculpture, as example, I love Antonio Canova's... his works are refined in a unique manner, like this one...

and the female sequel:

"Manipulation of the Clitorial Nerve"
haha the liberal art thread deteriorates into masturbation talk...

for my picks, though:
my favorite visual art would have to be H.R Giger. Some people think his work is disgusting or evil or frightening, but I think it's beautiful.
favorite music...tough fucking choice. I love metal, and I love classical piano. This also greatly depends on my mood.
Favorite philosopher is Jacques Derrida or Martin Heidegger. Interpret that however you like.
LITERATURE! I'm getting a degree in philosophy and English, so this is another tough category...I'm a huge fan of Jack Kerouac (specifically Big Sur and Desolation Angels) and Kurt Vonnegut (RIP).

Anybody else here enjoy any of those particular artists/writers?
-Visualy it would be the Laocoon.

To me ( I'm studying greek history (NO GAY JOKES KTHXBYE)), it's one of the nicest thing I've seen.

-Musical it would be the Symphony no.93 in D Major By Joseph Haydn, every time I listen to it, I forget everything around me and I can just enjoy that wonderful piece of music.

-My favorite philosophers would be Montaigner or Kierkegaard, I just love the way the put everything down to earth, everyone is humand and different and we must accept these differences.

-Literaly it would be Tolkien only 'cause he's part of my childhood and grown a lot with his book. He developped my imagination by litteraly creating another world.

-Dance: I hate dance:p .

- Not too long ago I saw a iece at the theatre about Descartes. it was awesome 'cause it was depicting him in a very ''easy-to-understand'' manner. Plus, it was funney as hell.

- As For instrument, I like Organ because they have an almost unlimited range for their sound and because Bach almost only written for Organ:p .
Classical and Romantic pieces are my favorite works of art, musically... Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Rachmaninoff, and the like, also the last two wrote stuff that isn't humanly possible to play unless you have gorilla hands.
H.R. Giger has some awesome work....which brings to mind tattoo art. i personally don't want to be covered in it, but Guy Aitchison has fuckin' amazing skills with biomech. it's really mind-blowing to see what that guy can come up with:worship: other than that, classical music is a fave of mine---Moonlight Sonata makes me go into a trance.
I like old Greek and Roman statues, Niccolò Paganini as far as classical violin i like his works, they were amazing.