The Classics- Liberal Arts Collective

I know this is going to make me sound like the greatest ignorant on the Earth, but classical music usually drives me crazy:ill: And so does jazz:zombie:

And I am not much into visual arts. They hardly ever catch my attention, for some crazy reason. But I do love Miro's stuff. And to me, the most beautiful painting ever is Van Gogh's Starry Nights. It's the kind of painting that makes me want to keep looking at it, go inside, if it were possible.

Now books; I totally love them. You all necro people interested in Medieval Norway should read Sigrid Undset's "Kristin Lavransdatter".

I read "Crime and Punishment", by Dostoesvky, recently. It took me like 6 months to finish it...:p It's heavy reading, but I definitely recommend it.

What else..? No one's reading this post anyway, so I won't bother.

BUT, one of my favorite sources of art/entertainment is belly dance! God, I miss it.
Hmm. For art I really love the works of Adrian Smith, he has been one of my biggest influences in drawing. For music I'd have to say opera, the Lucia Di Lammermoor is one of my favorites. In literature, H.P Lovecraft and Stephen King.
I really love the works of Adrian Smith,

Yeah me to..


:kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
I love Da vinci's work, to bad some idiot named Dan Brown gave some new (imaginairy) meanings to this awesome work