The Clincher


Crustacean Grinds Inc.
Jul 12, 2004
That's it.... this is too much...

Even Dan Spitz has reared his head once again with a new website where he claims: "Stay tuned to this site very closely for the first and onlyOfficial news regarding Spitz' first live guest appearances and live touring dates forthcoming"

Ex Anthrax members are confirming reunions (well, just about) before the actual band! Long live the age of Information!

I REALLY mean NO DISRESPECT to Dan and always wanted to think that his past comments from the last few years (remember 20 Questions???) were spawned by some "rough personal patch" he was going through (as opposed to just being "an owl hooting in the forest!")..... but the new site is....... wacky to say the least!

Old, blurry photos, semi naked chicks shaking there thang, and enticing you to "Click Me Honey". Weird. o_O I'm no web critic, but..... weird page dude!

On a more cynical note (and I'm not one to rag on the Thrax, I'm a TRU FAN (I think, anyway, I'll have to check :Smug: ) ) i'ts comforting to know that Anthrax and Danny haven't spoken since he was fired... until it came time to make some money and roll out the old nostalgia carnival!

In a word: dissapointing

And as for people saying: "Hold on everyone, they still haven't denied or confirmed", let's face it, if it weren't happening, there would be no problem in denying it. It's the skirting the subject that just about confirms that something (what, I don't know) is in the works.

A crab hooting in his office,

Hmmm. Perchance you are right. Maybe I jumped the gun a wee bit. Although I still think all signs point to yes!

Dan playing with Billy? Hahahaha. Now THAT I would love to see.
Let's face it. They are getting back together and they were beaten to the punch so they are scrambling to find a way to announce it so it still seems "special." I just think the longer this silence goes on, the worse it looks.

Now if they don't get Ozzfest, and I haven't seen any confirmation, we have to seriously ask ourselves, was it all worth it?