The Clone Wars

What are your top 5 favorite star wars novels?

1) Dark Force Rising
2) Heir To the Empire
3) The Last Command
4) Darth Bane - Path of Destruction
5) Legacy of the Force - Invincible

Ya know, come to think of it... I may stop reading NJO. It's really not too good, and theres a comic series coming based in the same time period, so maybe I'll just read that instead. I want to read more about ships blowing each other, less about religious aliens with phallic serpentine creatures as their weapons.
yeah thats one of the few times it worked for an extended period of time.

it sucks i keep getting sidetracked when trying to read Bane, i think im not as interested because im not too interested in Zannah, i liked it when it was just Bane. I've only been through a 100 pages or so though so it could get better.
1. Galaxy of Fear: City of the Dead (Boba Fett and Zombies? fuck yes)
2. Path of Destruction
3. YJK: Lightsabers (or all of the YJK)
4. Galaxy of Fear: Ghost of the Jedi
5. Exile i need to read more series i've only got 4 under my belt, half of which are young adults. It feel's like i've read way more but i really haven't.

...Thrawn is next after Bane.
yeah, basically i didn't know what centerpoint station was, so i wookiepedia'd that among a few other things.

i was going to read NJO before i started it but i got the first book and the second and i just couldn't get into them, i wonder if all R.A Salvatore's writing is lame like that...