The complete Chinese Democracy leak...


Seriously, it's been 17 years since they put out their last original material. Does ANYONE still give a shit about the band at all?
I was beyond giving a sh*t until I heard the 7 songs that leaked last summer. Although they had already sounded a bit dated, they were fantastic. I was shocked Axl still possessed the ability to write such great songs. My appreciation of their classic stuff was thus rekindled (prior to hearing the 7 Chinese Democ songs, I'd not listened to GNR in a decade, or more).
Haha I'm at the 'beyond caring' point.

Right. I'm looking at it from a reviewer's point of view and have to be objective. I don't much care for Axl's version of the once great band. Obviously if you've made up your mind before hearing the entire thing or having not heard anything the basis of panning the album is on what?
I listened to the whole thing and think there are two good songs on there, that is if this is the final product which I'm skeptical about personally. That said a lot of time and money has been spent on this thing and I was hoping for at least a better album that what I have heard...
I just heard this and to be honest this is the fist time I have listened to anything on this album, leaks and previews notwhitstanding.

It sucks. The drum samples irritate the living bejeesus out of me. It sounds like a bunch of c-side rejects from Dead Horse (if it was an album) and wanna-be November Rain lites. Axl's whiny voice replaced Slash's end of song meedles. THe second song, something about War is a whiny cornucopic crap pot of samples and bad mexican guitar. I was a huuuuge GNR fan up to now. THis should have been called Axl And Co or something, it is totally uninspired. I'll stick to Nighttrain, thanks very much.

So to summarise my review: Eeew!
Wyvern, have you read Slash's book? I really dislike the Use Your Illusion albums after reading about the whole recording process and drama that was going on with the band at that point.
Wyvern, have you read Slash's book? I really dislike the Use Your Illusion albums after reading about the whole recording process and drama that was going on with the band at that point.

No I haven't. As a matter of fact after awhile I lost my interest on the band and I even trade the albums including AFD. I believe GNR had a momentum and they let it passed by and now Axl is living on a cloud trying to keep alive a very gruesome corpse. Is they haven't lost Izzy and foused more in the music than in their egotrips thay could have been huge IMO.
I see and agree with the whole Izzy thing. From what Slash puts in the book too, that's really when the band lost their steam. I respect those guys for hanging in there with Axl the ego-maniac for as long as they could.
I am normally a live and let live person and don't get into bashing bands/artists but I have to draw the line with Axl Rose. It has nothing to do with his personality/class... nothing like that. I simply think that I could buy five litres of Vodka, drink it down in five minutes and could projectile vomit in key and record the sound that it makes.... and it would sound better than anything that comes from Axl's mouth. His voice really gets under my skin.
In other words, I won't be getting "Chinese Democracy" if it were free.

Good one, Bryant! An old friend and I compare his voice to An old 40's-50's singer Ethel Murman