The Control Denied situation...

From the official web site:

Sunday September 7 2003
Message from Chuck's mom:

Dear fans and friends,

Since there are too many emails to answer personally, I am writing a short message to all the friends and fans of Chuck who have written to me of Guido's comments to Blabbermouth. Since I was attacked by Guido through his attorneys to desist from truthful comments I had made, I am surprised he would make false comments of his own. I refute his statement.

Chuck's sister and I received such a multitude of telephone calls from Guido concerning Chuck's last Control Denied album, that, in self defense, we finally stopped taking them and let our answering machine record those messages. After saying the same thing over and over again to him, our position on Chuck's work is firm and he knows what that position is and why. There is no need for any more contact with Guido, that is why we each have attorneys.

We wanted as much, probably more, than anyone for Chuck's final album to be released as soon as possible, but we have our last promises to Chuck to fulfill. And we will do that to the best of our ability. Chuck deserves that. I will keep you all posted on the emptywords site.

Just remember to please do not react in a negative way to these statements of Guido, and if there are rumors you want to ask me about, you know where to reach me. I have always been truthful with you. Also remember, as Chuck always says, Support Music, Not Rumors. Take care.

Jane Schuldiner