Control Denied

Here is the info... Both insider and official info:

Chucks mom do now have the paperwork done.
Chuck did play in his parts of the album before he died (RIP)

Now it is a big problem to get the musicians together.
Steve is Testament and who knows which other projects he is working on?!?!
Tim Aymar is Pharaoh, and they are quite busy at this moment because of their 2003 release.
Christy is Iced Earth, and right now they are recording for Glorius Burden, so he is pretty busy too.

Only Shannon Hamm have time.

I usually let you guys volley anything you want around...but I've never seen anything so far off from the truth in that second paragraph.
Don't worry about the band, me, Shannon, Richard and Tim are in touch. We have all the time in the world to finish our metal brother's last works. It's not because of other bands taking time away, we've been ready to go the whole time...awaiting the word.
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HippieOfDoom said:
I usually let you guys volley anything you want around...but I've never seen anything so far off from the truth in that second paragraph.
Don't worry about the band, me, Shannon, Richard and Tim are in touch. We have all the time in the world to finish our metal brother's last works. It's not because of other bands taking time away, we've been ready to go the whole time...awaiting the word.

ok, does that mean the album's going to come out soon?
What a funny statment : "We have all the time in the world to finish our metal brother's last works."

Maybe you guys have this time – but the fans can´t wait longer – we will hear the last musik of our master Chuck Schuldiner.
just fuckin wait! We all can't wait but what the fuck are you supposed to do about it? NOTHING! what can the band do about it? NOTHING! all they can do is wait! When they get the word, i'm sure as hell they will run to do it !
waiting on the word!?!?!?!? does james murphy get the ok to do a death tribute album .

"This project was Deron's idea that he came up with as a way to help me with my medical expenses. The Schuldiner family has kindly given their blessings to this project and for that I am eternally grateful"

...wheres control denieds WORD!
It's going to be all right guys, musicians have lives too, and even though waiting sucks, it is nothing I can't deal with, patience is a virtue.

Not to be pessimistic, but it will be the last album that will truly make me act like a little kid when going to pick it up at the store and whatnot. I treasure my Death and Control Denied records above everything else I own and that's the reason why it will be so special when it does come. What a day that will be.
looks like we will be waiting longer then we think ..
....anyway ...fuck hammerheart ...they suck anyway

"Regarding the much-anticipated sophomore effort from CONTROL DENIED, the Chuck Schuldiner-led group who completed the bulk of the tracks for the effort before Chuck's untimely passing in December 2001, Heijnens said, "Unfortunately I have never experienced anything as bizarre and non-productive as this! Hammerheart Records has been trying to even speak with the Schuldiner family ever since Chuck passed away, but we got treated with absolutely no respect and basically got ignored. That album could have been released over a year ago, but the Schuldiner family wishes not to co-operate on anything concerning this release. And obviously all the fans are suffering from this just as much as we do.

"That's all I want to say about this, believe it or not... no gossip, no rumours, just the truth."