Control Denied

Onde Erik

Oct 10, 2001
Gothenburg, Sweden
I have a feeling I'm not the only one anxious to know whether the new material written for Control Denied will be released sometime soon.
Please Steve, speak up.
If I'm not mistaken, a few weeks ago Steve said that the record was almost done, Tim was finishing off the vocals and then he'd lay down the bass tracks (or something like that).
Chucks mother has since said that any talk of the new album should be ignored unless it comes from her. She'd talked to Chuck about that sort of thing, and he was clear on what should happen, so it was being dealt with by their lawyers.

Sounds fair enough, though I do worry whenever the word 'lawyer' gets used :err:. So, I'd expect we will definately get to hear it, just a question of when.

[edit]:apparently I was mistaken (see below), but hey, that's the internet for you :rolleyes: "Support music, not rumors" and all that........ ;)
From a band member point of view, we want to do it. We're ready to. Chuck wanted us to finish it...we will. But I guess there's label stuff, contract stuff, lawyer stuff, money, rights...all kinds of stuff I can't control right now (irony..?). So I wait until I'm needed, listening to the preproduction cd he sent me last year. It's good stuff. Musically more like the follow up to Sound... than Fragile...
But as of right now, nobody is recording anything. The drums are the only thing done. Chuck finished a lot of the guitar before he passed away, how much - I don't know, I haven't heard anything past the preproduction. Shannon has work to do, Tim has all the vocals to do, I have all the bass to do and Jim has to mix it all. But it's not being worked on until we get the go ahead from his Mom and sister, who are in possession of the album currently.
Steve... I am glad that you intend to finish it for chuck, he would have liked it to be completed.

I'm looking forward to anything you guys have done.
Any more Control Denied news! Details! Details! I heard Chuck didn't finish the lyrics. Will lyrics be completed? Please do not give up on making this album happen!

Steve, you are an awesome bassist! The best metal has!
i really hope his mom decides to let it happen. im sure she will after considdering all the help and support chucks fans gave while he was still fighting the cancer, and how much everyone wants to hear every bit of chuck that they can get their hands on. i know i really want to hear it.
Hey Steve,

Are there any news about new album of Control Denied? I have read some of your (you and R. Christy) interviews in metal websites 4-5 months ago, but as i know there is nothing new so far? I hope this is the silence before the storm...
The family of late DEATH/CONTROL DENIED mastermind Chuck Schuldiner is moving ahead with plans to complete and eventually release the long-awaited second CONTROL DENIED album.

Chuck's mother, Jane Schuldiner, previously stated about the unfinished recordings: "[Chuck's] last masterpiece deserves more than to be released as unfinished bits of rehearsal room recordings on CD, or to be grabbed for free on the Internet. It deserves to be finished by the rest of the band and to be released on a full-length album, titled: 'When Machine And Man Collide'."

"Enter Eric Greif. He is formerly Chuck's attorney, and considered a brother just like we brothers in the band, and like all brothers sometimes it meant arguments and fighting, and sometimes it meant making up and being best friends again. That's just what brother do, too. Well, Eric has been around the block, so to speak, as far as representing musicians, and he has made great progress on behalf of CONTROL DENIED, DEATH and the Schuldiner legacy. He's now the president of Perseverance Holdings Ltd. and Mutilation Music (BMI) which means basically that he is on board in Chuck's stead, to make sure his intellectual property is managed and his wishes are carried out. He's really kicking some ass since he's come on board. Both DEATH and CONTROL DENIED are now signed with Relapse, one of metal's most respected record companies. There are reissues of several DEATH records and is working to get most of DEATH's records reassigned to Relapse. The CONTROL DENIED CD 'The Fragile Art Of Existence' is re-released as a three- CD set, and a two-CD set, both with loads of special tracks and pictures and notes from the band. It just gets better and better every time I talk with him. That is just what good attorneys do!

Our producer, Jim Morris at Morrisound in Tampa, Florida who brought to life notable albums by DEATH, CONTROL DENIED, TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA, SAVATAGE, ICED EARTH, SEVEN MARY THREE, CANNIBAL CORPSE, DEICIDE, MORBID ANGEL, DEMONS AND WIZARDS, END-TIME ILLUSION, and OBITUARY, just to name a fraction of the killer artists on their roster, has contacted Eric Greif, informing the members of CONTROL DENIED that he is ready to begin laying out the planning and scheduling to complete Chuck Schuldiner's legacy, 'When Machine And Man Collide'. This record will see the light of day and be in your hands sometime in 2011 and Jim will make certain it's every bit as awesome as Chuck ever wanted and then some!!! That's what the Morrises do."