The conventions - boston and nyc

man the hassles will be tremendous. check this out:

Several civil liberties groups announced today they will sue to prevent Massachussetts from implementing plans to search mass transit passengers and their belongings.

Civil rights groups said Monday that the MBTA's proposed searches of bags and packages on subway and commuter trains would be unconstitutional, and urged riders to not give their consent. The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority wants to begin random searches next month, an anti-terrorism measure it plans to have in place before the July 26-29 Democratic National Convention. The civil rights groups said they'll file a lawsuit to stop the T from instituting the policy which would be the first of its kind in the country.

''Public transportation is a community resource that should be available to everybody without requiring people to sacrifice their constitutional rights in order to use it,'' said Michael Avery, president of the Massachusetts chapter of the National Lawyers Guild.


I was living in Philly during the 2000 Republican convention and it was neat. Little disruption of my activities, and I got a bunch of souveniers. I think this one's going to be quite different.