The Courtyard After-Parties Video!


Mrs. Harvester
Staff member
Feb 17, 2009

Many thanks to Craig & Stephanie

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Awesome video! I've been to ProgPower 8 or 9 times...never went to a Courtyard shindig. We actually quit staying in mid town a few years back and save a ton of money! But alas, we miss the parties
I will never miss the Courtyard party. Ever since our first year when I decided to sleep through THIS:

Oh yes the Courtyard party! This does beg the question, though. After that fiasco of last year, when the whole thing got shut down by the police, I wonder what it will be like this year. Would suck if we cannot get to do the party anymore.
Oh yes the Courtyard party! This does beg the question, though. After that fiasco of last year, when the whole thing got shut down by the police, I wonder what it will be like this year. Would suck if we cannot get to do the party anymore.

I do not know what they will do as I believe it will be a last minute decision on their part. I would not be surprised if they put a security guard out there and made sure that only Artmore guests (and the bands) are allowed past the front steps after hours. They have every right to do so.

Last year was embarrassing and stained our reputation permanently.
I do not know what they will do as I believe it will be a last minute decision on their part. I would not be surprised if they put a security guard out there and made sure that only Artmore guests (and the bands) are allowed past the front steps after hours. They have every right to do so.

Last year was embarrassing and stained our reputation permanently.

Thanks for your reply! The worst case is that they will simply not allow it at all and chase anybody out that is down there, even if it was just a small group hanging out over a pizza, some of those awesome metal cupcakes, and a couple of beers, to the best case of letting it go as usual but monitor it closely with security to make sure it does not get out of hand like last year. But like you said, it may be something more in the middle as you suggested above, and perhaps even with the addition of shutting it down say at 4 AM and making everybody leave.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see what transpires then. Anyway, I am still so looking forward to the fest and just hope that we can still have a party there in that courtyard.
After all the years we've sold out that hotel and been good, I think that's pretty shitty, even if it was new owners.

I don't think you have enough details to make that generalization. The behavior by some attendees in the courtyard was unacceptable on any level regardless of any previous history.
I do not wish to go into those details as there were multiple minor incidents as well as few major. It was embarrassing that we turned into Delta Tau Chi after being respectful for over a decade. Folks are lucky they even allow us to stay in the courtyard after hours based on last year. I anticipate tightened security this year and it's our own fault.

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I don't think you have enough details to make that generalization. The behavior by some attendees in the courtyard was unacceptable on any level regardless of any previous history.

You're probably right. I know of a few things that had happened and just assumed that those things, while embarrassing for all of us, were isolated incidents of over indulgence. I think it was a little more out of hand this year maybe than years past, but I guess from what I saw it didn't seem any mass destruction. The hotel obviously did not know what to expect, and while I assume you had warned them, I don't think they took it seriously. Not to put the entire blame on them or anything. I can think of at least 2 people who probably should've been picked up and thrown out by all of us.

Either way, you're right, this is all just from my own perspective, I'm sure you had a nice long chat with them afterwards, and I'm sure it wasn't pleasant. I just hope people tone it down this year a little and show maybe more respect than last year.