The Crown call it quits!


God To The Godless
Nov 3, 2002
Apparently they weren't making enough money on the tours due to bad management, etc. This is very disappointing as after 6 incredible albums they were becoming living legends. The re-recorded version of 'Crowned In Terror' will be still be released though.

So if we could, let's all have a moment of silence.....
When Chuck Schuldiner died, I gave a moment of a silence for Death. But, The Crown? Pfft, no. They were decent, but nothing to pee your pants over.
The metal industry is in a sad state when a band that can tour, and sell a decent number of records cant make it. I blame lawyers, tour managers, and the record companies. There is no reason a band shouldnt make some money on the road as long as they are playing half full venues.
I'm not bothered. I don't really think they had it in them to write anything else interesting; Possessed 13 was simply boring, and definately a step back in progress from Crowned In Terror, which, coincidentally, really doesn't need re-recorded. As much as I don't like Lindberg's vocals, he was perfect for that album.
The Crown is one of my favorite bands! :(
I was really hoping that they would tour the states to support Possessed 13, and it seemed like they were back on track with Johan back in the band. Why-O-Why couldn't it have been news of In Flames breaking up gracing the pages of blabbermouth instead? :p
