The crust thread

(Digressing the thread further for just a moment):

Have you heard Chapel:

Easily my favorite example of black n roll/speed/thrash/whatever the fuck.
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Toxic Holocaust haven't been worth listening to since their debut.

their debut album is easiley their weakest, and im sure most people that actually listen to the band would agree. I remember not liking Conjure and Command at first because it sounded a bit different from his other stuff, but after a couple of spins it became one of my favorites.
I have to agree, their first is bad and the next two are awesome. Havent really listened to conjure and command yet.
If new Toxic Holocaust sounds like Chapel - I am interested! Couldn't get into their other stuff unless they were on splits, tbh.

Honestly didn't really know what was considered crust until this thread, turns out got a lot of music to look into.
^ yea, they have somewhat of a similar sound.

Toxic Holocaust is thrash metal with a whole lot of crust ... But the reason i didn't like Conjure and Command at first was because it was less crusty and not as fast as the rest of his shit.

Hell on Earth or An Overdose of Death would be a good place to start.

edit: Fuck, didn't even know they have a new album coming out ...
I really like Dystopia, Amebix, and Fleas and Lice.
Crust is a genre that I'm still very new to. Both of the vocalists in Peccant (a band I play bass for) are "crusties" and when I joined the band it was being labeled/marketed as Crust. Our early stuff makes me think of Anal Cunt or some other grind and our new stuff has more of a doom metal feel to it at times. I've never felt like our music was really crust at all, but I still don't feel that I have a solid grasp on what crust is. Some of what I've heard sounds like grindcore that leans more towards punk, other stuff sounds like some first wave black metal or something.

So what exactly is crust and what would the best example of pure crust be?
I admit that im sort of knew to this genre as well, but ive been getting into some hardcore punk lately (early Black Flag, Minor Threat, Discharge, etc), so im familiar with the sound. Discharge have been credited with starting the crust punk movement, so they are a good band to start with. The album Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing is supposed to be the precursor album to the crust punk movement.

I would probably describe the crust sound to be bassy and dirty sounding hardcore punk. It is still rough around the edges like punk, but can have slower heavy metal like sections and song structures (resulting in longer songs). You said you like Amebix, and imo I think their album Arise! is a pretty good example of pure crust (also check out Antisect, Doom). The crust genre is basically the combination of hardcore punk and metal, in varying degrees. Later Darkthrone is considered crust, for instance. It's all got a certain sound to it, which im sure you will figure out soon.

Some crust albums ive been enjoying lately are Axegrinder's Rise of the Serpent Men, and Deviated Instinct's Welcome to the Orgy.