The cursed, "CPU Overload" Cubase export error...


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
I've looked around the net about this and I seem to be one of many having this issue when exporting in realtime... I get absolutely no issues during playback and my CPU doesn't hit over 20% at most when Mastering, and yet it happens quite a lot when I go to export. It'll get a way through and BAM CPU Overload!

A quick fix was simply to up my latency from 3ms in my Hammerfall DSP driver to 6ms... Not a big issue, but that latency swap could cause issues during mix time.... And I don't get why that would matter if during realtime playback I'm issue free???

I'm wondering if anyone else gets this issue? I've only started using outboard gear recently hence the need for realtime exports :)
^^ I won't rule that out at all actually... I'm ashamed to admit how little ram I'm actually accessing currently.. I'll give you a clue, I'm scared to move to 64 bit because of my worry my plugins won't all be fine when I make the change :p
So yo know what.. I am an idiot because I didn't consider that at all *facepalm*
However I do notice people with epic set ups still having this issue, so I figure the thread was worth discussing if others have had this happen
I may be completely wrong here, but it might have something to do with it being a 32bit program (and only accessing 2 or 3 gigs of RAM and idk how much processing power). Many times I would max out my CPU on Cubase, yet my CPU meter only showed ~60% of my processor being used.

I've run into that issue with 8gigs of RAM and a 3.3gz hexacore and had sessions ruined (forced to start over) because of this error.
^ - Wow, great piece of advice, I bet it never crossed his mind!

Melb: I get the exact same thing on a mix I'm working on. But this is on an 8core Mac Pro, which makes it even worse, the project is not heavy AT ALL and it still does it, the only channels that have plugins are the busses, the single channels have nothing on them, they're all previously printed and still the Asio Buffer meter is almost maxed out with just a few plugins, although I have to export in realtime cause of the outboard that I'm using.

Are you running a Mac? Because I read yesterday that Cubase and general audio has 4x better performance on Windows. Which is what I'm going to do, install fucking windows 7 on my mac and be done with this piece of shit
Don't export realtime,

Oh? Did you miss the 'I use outboard gear' part? :p I run everything through my GSSL and some other stuff so as far as I'm aware you couldn't possibly do it any other way

The thing is, like I said.. I'm using barely any CPU at all.. I don't see how 1 instance of HeQ -> Multiband (Outboard) -> and L1 could cause this issue?

But hey.. my fix seems to work for now... So hmmm!

@Pedro - I'm running an Intel Dual core e7500?? at 3.4ghz with Windows 7. Not Mac. I can't get used to them haha.

But as I said.. I can run projects with 50+ tracks and running extensive plugins and it won't drop out etc... But just on exports.
So during the entire normal playback, you don't see even the slightest single tick or pop of CPU overload OR disk usage overload?

Could you just print the track to a stereo track in the project, and then export?
Just run it through while playing back, record it to a stereo track and then export that. Problem solved ;)
That' still rendering in real time just without the cpu spikes (hopefully!). Never said he can't do it the way you described it! :)
I know, just more pointing out the guy you quoted isn't exactly wrong for saying it :lol: