The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

I have giant 3" scars all over me. One on my left arm from a cat, one on my left hand from working in a factory, and a few on my right forearm from also working in a factory.

I have small scars all over my legs from skiffs, sports, etc.

Yeah I have a good number of scars as well. Including a 3 inch kitty cat scratch scar.

Also one on my hand where I was in a fight in elementary school which would always take place behind the baseball fence so the teachers couldn't see. Swung at the kid near the fence, ended up hitting part of it sticking out which winded up driving itself between my knuckles and up my hand. It's kind of hard to see now though but for most of my life it was bad.
oh me arse!


just kiddin. sporting my river dragon girly/red workshirt combo that i still think must have been the inspiration behind the red nevermore workshirt :loco:

Scars are badass. I have 4 that are about an inch long each, all right next to each other on the side of my chest and some smaller knick type scars scattered around the big ones. It's ALWAYS a good time to tell people I once got shanked up in a gang fight years ago and they NEVER believe me until I show them the scars. Then they go "Damn... you weren't shittin me!" and then I say "Yeah I was, my lung collapsed and I had surgery LAWL!"
ahahahhaha :worship: