The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

This pic is totally old, but it IS a mirror pic!

I had a fat-shit cat once. The 30lb monster was a badass but a liked to bite when you would least expect it. He'd be laying on the floor being a lazy ass so what do you do? You go and pet him. He'd be purring, all happy and shit then all of a sudden, he'd stop purring, bite your face and run like hell. I think it was his game.

The worst was if you were trying to sleep and he'd jump on you (often times the junk was the target) and want to be petted. As you drift off of sleep, he would begin to inch forward. Before you knew it, he'd be right by your face. The minute he stops purring is the moment of attack. Bite and run! BITE AND RUN!

Damn, I miss that cat.
my Lilly does that, too. she's a manipulative little beast. she doesn't attack people in their sleep, though. but it'd be really cute if she did!
I shake my head at the men desperate enough to accept her offer. Never did I see her when her claws WEREN'T deployed, so I have reason to believe she just never puts them away.