The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

Is that really how I come across? I meant what I said about Eric, so that much is obvious, but I definitely wasn't trying to "berate" John. I like John, and I think he's a good dude. It bums me out when he trashes himself like he does.

edit: I never called Eric a loser.

You said I needed pussy... and it hurt my feelings. Shame on you. My FEELINGS HURT! :cry:
i find it amusing that the people complaining about the posts being missing are the same people that complained about the posts when they were there

THANK YOU for saying what I was thinking sheesh people. It was ONLY mentioned (cleaning up) because a lot of you were posting like the thread was getting derailed and you were annoyed as all get out.

Personal note to Eric Mr T - you want to find a ticket off this forum that's cool, keep posting like you were (the couple posts I deleted). Otherwise, keep your personal jabs to your self.
Damn boy are you having a bad day or what?! Are you mad that Jesse got kicked off the Ultimate Fight finale, is that it?!
I'm having a perfectly fine day, thanks. And I'm glad Jesse got kicked off, that guy's just a big, funny sounding muscle blanket.

And please don't call me "boy" all right? You're the one that just told somebody else to keep their personal jabs to themselves.

Don't shoot the messenger, but I think the reason a lot of people are irritated is because it's odd that this forum remains mostly unmoderated, with insults (most meant in good humor) flying left and right (which is why I like this board, it's good to be able to be a bit crass without getting the butthurt police all over your case), but suddenly when a cute chick is the butt of the jokes, the moderating machine springs into action. I don't mean to be confrontational, and I agree some of the butthurt about the deleted posts is exaggerated, but I'm guessing the reason why people are complaining is because moderators only seem to take action when it's a cute chick that needs white-knighting.

Again, I'm not trying to be annoying, but only trying to explain why people are acting butthurt. I may be wrong about this, but it's how I see it.

Eric, shut up until he gets bored and leaves.
Listen to the Cap'n, Eric.