The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

Kevin I thought you had decided to be celibate. Then again, I haven't really been updated on your sex life since 2004 :loco:
Yeah that was a nice lesson learned the hardest way possible. Which is why I don't talk about getting laid online anymore. I just call things like I see them and people get pissed. Whatever.
Sounds like you wanna get personal, that's why. And for a time frame reference.

you got personal with Eric, so I decided to present you with the same scenario. I don't mind you getting personal with me, but you can keep the girlfriend out of it.

also: if you want to keep your own sex life out of discussion, don't start talking about someone else's
Without re-reading (wait, I can't now right?) I went through the last few pages of the thread and all I saw was many getting annoyed as hell and complaining about Eric, I don't even recall what you're referring to about the cute chick deal? I saw the Zimmer thing which was funny but that's it.

Anyways, carry on all, live it up, happy Monday. Sheesh the fuckin hell already.


Don't shoot the messenger, but I think the reason a lot of people are irritated is because it's odd that this forum remains mostly unmoderated, with insults (most meant in good humor) flying left and right (which is why I like this board, it's good to be able to be a bit crass without getting the butthurt police all over your case), but suddenly when a cute chick is the butt of the jokes, the moderating machine springs into action. I don't mean to be confrontational, and I agree some of the butthurt about the deleted posts is exaggerated, but I'm guessing the reason why people are complaining is because moderators only seem to take action when it's a cute chick that needs white-knighting.

Again, I'm not trying to be annoying, but only trying to explain why people are acting butthurt. I may be wrong about this, but it's how I see it.

Listen to the Cap'n, Eric.
I'm a lousy fucking american... I like mine in ketchup.

Fucking dipshit mormons out here enjoy this unholy creation known as "Frysauce"... It isn't pleasant.