The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

For clarification; i.e. In a surreptitious manner Lord Winter is explaining he is better than you. *nod*

And there you have it. Perfect example of people who can't get sand out of their vagina. Jesus Christ man, get over it already. Are you still pissed off about the grease monkey thing?

You've got enough money to bury your head in your ass with bullshit like all your cars, your boat, your tropical vacation you're planning on going on, so I suggest you get to it and stop getting your panties in a bunch when someone has an opinion about something you disagree with.

Go back to playing with your toys and let the adults continue the conversation.
once i don't feel all death-like, i'm gonna take a mirror-picture in a miniskirt. because that's just the thing i need after this epic illness, and just the thing this thread needs after this epic gayness

... well, it needs pics of SOMEONE in a miniskirt.

maybe martin :oops:
i took peptol bismol tablets the other day when i first got sick. ugg. they taste so gross.

i don't feel deathly ill anymore, i'm just really nauseous and it's more of a nuisance than anything.

Yeah it is fucking disgusting, I won't lie.. I never take pepto, but I do chug Buckley's from the bottle when I have a cold, I love that stuff... I have asthma, a little bit anyways, so I have a puffer I'm supposed to take but I just take a swig of Buckley's instead and I'm fine, it clears everything out. Try to just drink a lot of liquid and that should ease your stomach. Don't put anything hard to digest in it.