The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

Here is a good topic then... who the hell is this? I vaguely remember saving this picture from here, but I'm not sure. I don't mean any offense to whomever it is, but I must admit when I was looking through my pics I fucking LOL'd when I saw this, totally random:


I don't know who's expression is the funniest? My vote goes to the old lady in the background doing Thriller.
Actually Joe, Karen is one of the first to put something in its place if its not up to her standards. There is nothing automatic about her. She's one of the most learned and cultured people here, so I wouldn't be so quick to judge her opinion. The difference is that her opinions are usually spot-on and reliable. Again, she's not one to say something just for the sake of being nice.

We've both ruffled feathers before with our opinions; some people would say we're snobs but I just say we have discerning tastes.