The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

Rox, I'd appreciate your pictures a lot more if they weren't the only thing you posted on here. If you'd actually make some posts that involved more than a blurry oh-I'm-so-cute pictard, you might receive some less flak. Hate to say it, but you're nothing but a camwhore.

At least be a good camwhore and post nudes.

Stormo, I'd appreciate your complaining a lot more if it wasn't the only thing you posted on here. If you'd actually make some posts that involved more than a whiny oh-I'm-so-superior-listen-to-me-I-am-great-and-you-suck attitude, you might receive some less flak. Hate to say it, but you're nothing but a fucking crybaby.

At least be a good crybaby and shut the fuck up or hang yourself.

Stormo, I'd appreciate your complaining a lot more if it wasn't the only thing you posted on here. If you'd actually make some posts that involved more than a whiny oh-I'm-so-superior-listen-to-me-I-am-great-and-you-suck attitude, you might receive some less flak. Hate to say it, but you're nothing but a fucking crybaby.

At least be a good crybaby and shut the fuck up or hang yourself.


There was no reason for this post... In fact you're simply TRYING to start shit now, jeez.
There was no reason for this post... In fact you're simply TRYING to start shit now, jeez.

There was no reason for this post either, OR for his, if an attractive girl wants to post pictures, then shut the hell up and let her post.

Stormo, I'd appreciate your complaining a lot more if it wasn't the only thing you posted on here. If you'd actually make some posts that involved more than a whiny oh-I'm-so-superior-listen-to-me-I-am-great-and-you-suck attitude, you might receive some less flak. Hate to say it, but you're nothing but a fucking crybaby.

At least be a good crybaby and shut the fuck up or hang yourself.



Now, I have nothing against you but I've noticed a lot, if not all, of your posts are just the typical "omg that's so awesome <3 :D:D:D:oops::oops::oops::oops:" type of thing...

I mean being nice and friendly is ok but I just see it as pretty fake and almost automatic. Regardless of what anyone (except me) posts, you are there to praise it like there's no tomorrow. Ladies and gentleman of the jury, I present exhibit A.

<3 golly, what a sexy Swede!!! <3 :oops: :kickass: <3

What the fuck :lol: Now I'm not calling him ugly or anything, but that is definitely not a flattering picture by any means.
Now you're correcting capitalization? Nobody's entertained, so give it a rest.
Ok. :) I've come to accept no matter what I do, some of you here just don't like me. But again, I don't care :lol: Someone voiced an opinion berating a girl for posting pictures, and I simply voiced my opinion. That's how a forum works ;)

Ok. :) I've come to accept no matter what I do, some of you here just don't like me. But again, I don't care :lol: Someone voiced an opinion berating a girl for posting pictures, and I simply voiced my opinion. That's how a forum works ;)

Too many smilies in that thurr post.