The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

Kevin, I wanted to tell you, that the other day I got this great picture-message to my phone, and I think it should be posted here since it was oh-so-great and I loved it :)
(sorry I never texted back, I meant to send you a PM about it, but then, now that I was getting ready to do so, I thought: wait a minute! why not here? :D )
You take the best mirror pics!! <3
LOL I completely forgot about that until reading this post hahahaha! <3 <3 Sobriety was definitely not involved in the making of that mirror picture, hence my inability to remember it. I think that was at work after the UFC fights on Saturday. You'll have to post it though, I've never been able to figure out how to get my cell phone pics online with my new phone.
You're bored with MA, so you're moving to TX......
I've never been to TX but I hear 99% shit about that state from people who lived there and from people who are from there... I find it quite intriguing...
They do say Houston or Austin are great cities, so I hope you're moving to one of those, and have fun :)
I think it's good that you're moving away if you're tired of a place and start something new!
I do want to go to TX soon myself and see for myself what's all the negative/ positive hype is all about.

Texas is really too vast to label the state as a whole shitty or not shitty. But since you only said you heard that Houston and Austin are great cities, that leaves me scratching my beard because San Antonio is nice, and Dallas/Fort Worth is great! D/FW>>>Houston.

I don't understand why Dallas/Fort Worth gets hate. Is it because of the Cowboys? George Bush? Mexicans? It has it's bad areas like any other place, but overall this is a really nice and easy place to live. Everything you could possibly want or need is almost at your fingertips, the cost of living is low, housing market is good, the job market is decent, no major weather or geological catastrophies happen, most of the area looks nice. Maybe it's because the METUL SEEN is not booming. Doesn't mean we don't have a good and healthy arts scene, in fact the film industry is decently imbedded in this area. Beats the crap out of all the places on the East Coast that I've been.

Sometimes I can't check this forum. Please myspace message me when you're going to Texas.

Most of you would not enjoy Houston. It's "The City of Syrup" and in the Southwest where I live you gotta be hood. There are a few metalheads around, but even they are a bit like me.

Austin is fucking lovely. So is Dallas.

Karen should please come to Meat Camp. If I met Karen I could die of happiness.

Shhh, as residents of Texas, our opinions have no value to Karen :p
Shhh, as residents of Texas, our opinions have no value to Karen :p

You guys always get so sensitive when I say that....
I base my post on (seriously no joke!!) 99% of: residents of TX I know, and people who lived there and are telling me they hated it... (except Austin, there seem to be a unanimous agreement about that place)
But Dallas... Houston... San Antonio... All get shit rep.
I've never seen or heard about another state that gets so much 'hype' around it like TX does, and like I said............. I do want to see it one day to make my own decision about it, and btw Cara: you are in that one percent that says it's great!

I'm not giving up on TX!! :p
Hey Mah, btw, how long is your hair now?

its almost to my ass now..i do need a trim

and Cara, im not a fan of Texas because mostly because of the heat! LOL you guys are a hearty bunch being able to handle such scorching temps! and i would LOVE to come see you! perhaps if i ever go there, i will think differently about it! Cowpokes and all!
Texas is really too vast to label the state as a whole shitty or not shitty. But since you only said you heard that Houston and Austin are great cities, that leaves me scratching my beard because San Antonio is nice, and Dallas/Fort Worth is great! D/FW>>>Houston.

I don't understand why Dallas/Fort Worth gets hate. Is it because of the Cowboys? George Bush? Mexicans? It has it's bad areas like any other place, but overall this is a really nice and easy place to live. Everything you could possibly want or need is almost at your fingertips, the cost of living is low, housing market is good, the job market is decent, no major weather or geological catastrophies happen, most of the area looks nice. Maybe it's because the METUL SEEN is not booming. Doesn't mean we don't have a good and healthy arts scene, in fact the film industry is decently imbedded in this area. Beats the crap out of all the places on the East Coast that I've been.


No, I think people hate Dallas because they said there is nothing to do there
and that night life/ culture life sucks there... That's what I've heard..
People told me it's all spread out, and that there is no 'strip' of bars and cool places to hang out at, and no 'one' cool area per-se.
I've heard everything is all over the place and even when you have a cool place, it's always so far away from everything else...
Also, my friend Brandy (who is originally from there) told me it's boring and plain, and cookie cutter (that's a quote)

No one told me anything about the cowboys.. or Bush... lol

I'm just quoting what I've heard... but everything you say Cara goes back to my head and sits there as the 'opposite' opinion. I appreciate it :)
I've been to Dallas and it bored me to tears. However, I spent the entire time with family in the comfort of their homes and that was NOT boring. We didn't do much outsid, so I can't really say for sure... but what I did see of the place wasn't very special, aside from the Kennedy shooting memorial/museum.

However, one night out on that town could easily change that opinion.
No, I think people hate Dallas because they said there is nothing to do there
and that night life/ culture life sucks there... That's what I've heard..
People told me it's all spread out, and that there is no 'strip' of bars and cool places to hang out at, and no 'one' cool area per-se.
I've heard everything is all over the place and even when you have a cool place, it's always so far away from everything else...
Also, my friend Brandy (who is originally from there) told me it's boring and plain, and cookie cutter (that's a quote)

No one told me anything about the cowboys.. or Bush... lol

I'm just quoting what I've heard... but everything you say Cara goes back to my head and sits there as the 'opposite' opinion. I appreciate it :)

Bullshit. No there is not one main strip of cool places, there are just a lot of strips of cool places. What's so bad about choices? And no, everything is NOT far away from everything else. The longest trip you might have to make is 40-45 minutes, if you're in Dallas and decide that you want to go to a place in Fort Worth. When Derick and I lived in Maryland, we had to drive that long or longer to do pretty much anything fun.

I can't believe someone would think there is nothing to do here. Apparently they're blind. That's WHY I like it here so much, there's so much to do that you can never get bored.

What do you mean by cookie cutter? There's a shit ton of variety here.
I've been to Dallas and it bored me to tears. However, I spent the entire time with family in the comfort of their homes and that was NOT boring. We didn't do much outsid, so I can't really say for sure... but what I did see of the place wasn't very special, aside from the Kennedy shooting memorial/museum.

However, one night out on that town could easily change that opinion.

You do realize that downtown is a very small part of the area, yes? Most activities are not located downtown.
Bullshit. No there is not one main strip of cool places, there are just a lot of strips of cool places. What's so bad about choices? And no, everything is NOT far away from everything else. The longest trip you might have to make is 40-45 minutes, if you're in Dallas and decide that you want to go to a place in Fort Worth. When Derick and I lived in Maryland, we had to drive that long or longer to do pretty much anything fun.

I can't believe someone would think there is nothing to do here. Apparently they're blind. That's WHY I like it here so much, there's so much to do that you can never get bored.

What do you mean by cookie cutter? There's a shit ton of variety here.

I don't know Cara, I'm just quoting what I was told by several people... :erk:

...and Derick lived in the country... obviously you were extremely bored there... :lol:
You do realize that downtown is a very small part of the area, yes? Most activities are not located downtown.

I did say that I didn't spend very much time outside of houses, right? My opinion is based off of what I've seen. Sorry if that irritates you....
I don't know Cara, I'm just quoting what I was told by several people... :erk:

...and Derick lived in the country... obviously you were extremely bored there... :lol:

Of course, but I'm just saying that around here you do NOT have to drive very far to get where you want to go. If you and your buddy live 20 miles apart, well there are plenty of cool places to go in between. I guess 10 miles is painstaking for some people.:rolleyes:
Dallas is an awesome place to live. There's literally something for every "scene" here. The only thing it lacks, to me, is natural beauty. Everything is flat, no ocean, no hills, nothing pretty to look at. Sure we got Mexicans and a church on every corner but Dallas is a massive city with tons of cool shit and a pretty good sized atheist/agnostic community to go along with the mega churches.The only reason I want to move in the near future is because I miss living by the ocean and I prefer a more rural setting.