The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

I did say that I didn't spend very much time outside of houses, right? My opinion is based off of what I've seen. Sorry if that irritates you....

Well, in my opinion, you didn't experience enough of the area to have much of an opinion. If you stayed in houses and only went downtown, you may as well have not been here at all!
well, 10 miles is quite a lot... and is it 10 miled IN the city? Because then that means 30-40 minutes drive in traffic?
I'm used to have everything around me for less time and distance, so I guess if you're from Dallas and you move to the East Coast to a big city you get spoiled...?

Again, I'm not dissing a place I haven't been to, I'm basing this on what numerous people have told me that are either from there or lived there for a long period of time...

When that other dude said he's leaving MA (and I'm thinking: golly, Boston is so awesome, how can one want to leave that place?) and he said he's moving to TX
all those opinions I heard popped in my mind.

Hey Cara, one day it'll be nice if you can change that! I'll come for a visit and you can show me Dallas! :)
Dallas is an awesome place to live. There's literally something for every "scene" here. The only thing it lacks, to me, is natural beauty. Everything is flat, no ocean, no hills, nothing pretty to look at. Sure we got Mexicans and a church on every corner but Dallas is a massive city with tons of cool shit and a pretty good sized atheist/agnostic community to go along with the mega churches.The only reason I want to move in the near future is because I miss living by the ocean and I prefer a more rural setting.

Yeah, and Obama won Dallas County! So there!:loco:
well, 10 miles is quite a lot... and is it 10 miled IN the city? Because then that means 30-40 minutes drive in traffic?
I'm used to have everything around me for less time and distance, so I guess if you're from Dallas and you move to the East Coast to a big city you get spoiled...?

Again, I'm not dissing a place I haven't been to, I'm basing this on what numerous people have told me that are either from there or lived there for a long period of time...

When that other dude said he's leaving MA (and I'm thinking: golly, Boston is so awesome, how can one want to leave that place?) and he said he's moving to TX
all those opinions I heard popped in my mind.

Hey Cara, one day it'll be nice if you can change that! I'll come for a visit and you can show me Dallas! :)

Ehh, you have to understand that many, many highways connect Dallas and Fort Worth and all the suburbs in between. Yeah you might have to drive 10 miles "in the city" but on a highway in the city. Doesn't take long.
Dallas is an awesome place to live. There's literally something for every "scene" here. The only thing it lacks, to me, is natural beauty. Everything is flat, no ocean, no hills, nothing pretty to look at. Sure we got Mexicans and a church on every corner but Dallas is a massive city with tons of cool shit and a pretty good sized atheist/agnostic community to go along with the mega churches.The only reason I want to move in the near future is because I miss living by the ocean and I prefer a more rural setting.

LOL this sounds like the Central Valley!! perhaps i would feel right at home in Texas after all! *gets bags ready* :headbang:
I've been to Dallas and it bored me to tears. However, I spent the entire time with family in the comfort of their homes and that was NOT boring. We didn't do much outsid, so I can't really say for sure... but what I did see of the place wasn't very special, aside from the Kennedy shooting memorial/museum.

However, one night out on that town could easily change that opinion.

I've been to Seattle and it bored me to tears! However I spent the entire time with a friend's family in the comfort of their home and that ... WAS boring actually hahahah. We didn't do much outside, so I can't really say for sure... but what I did see of the place wasn't very special, aside from the Archie McPhee Store!!!!

I've been to Seattle and it bored me to tears! However I spent the entire time with a friend's family in the comfort of their home and that ... WAS boring actually hahahah. We didn't do much outside, so I can't really say for sure... but what I did see of the place wasn't very special, aside from the Archie McPhee Store!!!!


Seattle's not for everyone.
Yeah but it took me hours to even get to the store because Seattle traffic is the worst.

Only 1 highway?! What kind of joke city is this!