The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

Even if they look alright, girl shirts are usually way too tight around the arms/armpits. And with pretty much all of the tank tops I've bought, the logo ends up underneath my boobs, or I can pull the shirt up and have it cover my cleavage, which defeats the purpose of wearing a tank top in the first place.

So yeah, buy men's shirts and send them to me instead. :Spin:
they're supposed to be that short though, that way when you bend/reach we get a lil glimpse of the belly/small of the back which is very sexy and the whole reason for girly shirts in the first place!
Creepy old farmhouse bathroom mirror.

Whoa I literally just saw that movie for the first time two nights ago! I've been doing the finger trick since middle school, but I've never seen it applied to hitch-hiking like that before :lol:

p.s. I also took ornament reflection pics today! Will post later.
I think people hyped it up too much. It was funny, but not roll on the floor funny like I was expecting. Saul was awesome though. He played a very good stoner pot dealer :lol:

The funniest part was watching those kids reach into the bag and pull out handfuls of nugs. I LOLed hard at that point.
I LOLed extremly hard during the entire movie.. lol.. especially the part in the beginning when Saul and Dale are in Saul's appartment and Saul talks about pot and the product of baby fucking.. :lol:
.. the moment he says "fucked"... just hilarious!!

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Tis my niece! She's awesome, she calls me a "mullet head", which is funny because she's actually the one with the mullet!
Sooo.... yea... on the 23rd went snowboarding.. separated my left shoulder AGAIN. Took me a year to recover to about 80% strength last time, and it stayed there... this time around there's broken bone fragments in there somewhere as well, but apparently it's not nearly as bad of a separation as last time (apparently the last one was one of the worst they'd ever seen at that hospital and two others I visited the first time around) and it'll heal within two weeks to a some mobility. I can already move it around a bit, I just can't raise my arm much farther than my stomach.

Ironically, I clipped a slow sign trying to go fast so I could board all the way down to the lodge. *smacks forehead*


On the bright side, woot new camera!!
Hope it heals soon man... But hey, if you can nab Cara's puppy and carry it alongside that arm, the entire world of vagina-wielders would be unquestionably yours for the taking.