The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture


Ca'wa pic! :oops:
Even though you're right that girlies never fit like you want it too, i do approve.
Yeah, it looks great, even if it's uncomfortable.

I get you, though. When will metal stop catering to overweight men and consider the rest of the fan base and put out some stuff that they can actually wear?
No delay, eh? My camera has that delay. It's not always an issue, but it's troublesome when I'm trying to photograph things that are actually moving. I'm pretty sure I could fix it by switching the focus to manual, but I've been too lazy to mess with it.
Every single point and shoot camera I've ever used has what I call the "halfway feature". Hold the button halfway down, it auto-focuses, then you can push the button down the rest of the way whenever you want and it fires the picture instantly. I haven't had a delay problem ever since I discovered that.