The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

You saw Whiplash? luckkyy, how were they?

They were AWESOME!! I have never seen them live before and they didn't disappoint me, quite the contrary!

Got some free merch, and even their hot-sauce set :lol: Have you heard about it?

At War kicked ass too!

Also, Karen... you're way too cute. Much more than that tranny :lol:

awww thank you ;)

No gloves, no love.


Theres never a picture you don't look stunning in Karen. I don't even want to compliment you anymore, since I'm sure you get plenty, but I just have to. I mean damn.

John, thank you so much, you're awesome <3 :) :oops:
They were AWESOME!! I have never seen them live before and they didn't disappoint me, quite the contrary!

Got some free merch, and even their hot-sauce set :lol: Have you heard about it?

At War kicked ass too!

I had not heard about the hot sauce set, I just looked it up, that sounds crazy :lol: glad they were awesome though, I hope to see them someday!
I had not heard about the hot sauce set, I just looked it up, that sounds crazy :lol: glad they were awesome though, I hope to see them someday!

You will! They have a new album out, and they are all into touring and get back in 'thrash business' as they called it :)
Good news for us eh??

I'm psyched about At War too. Their show KICKED A.S.S!

trying to get them on MDF now ;)
i wondered if anyone would notice the tongue teehee ;)

Hey Cara, nice tongue.
In SF too, and I'm seeing even more of them especially now that I'm back in school.

But let's not talk about hipsters. I passed a strippery store that's going out of business next week on my way home and picked up some goodies for cheap. Like this:
