The Day I Return piano


Dec 3, 2002
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FOR SOME REASON the intro to that song is just about my favorite bit of piano ever...I've always been disappointed that the rest of the song didn't really sound like the intro, not that it was bad or anything, it was just too upbeat or something after that gorgeous intro! Anyway tonight I was bored and threw this together:

Ignore the url, it's a friend of mine's joke site. :D This was a midi I made in powertab and tweaked around to attempt to get the tempos and volumes somewhat right. Now I need a decent mic so I can record it and have it sound better than that. :E
When you say it needs a bit of decay on the chords, what exactly do you mean? Do they need to fade out quicker, or what? I know what happens when you increase and decrease the decay on something, but I don't know what it actually is or what you mean here :D Thanks for the feedback though, guys!
Nice job! Yeah, the notes are really close to the
original. Tempos are really hard to nail when using
programs like powertab, so i definitely applaud the
effort. This is awesome, and really flattering.

IIRC, Day I Return and Aura Blue started out (at least
in my head) as one long-ass song, and was cut into two
tracks for the sake of potentially playing Day I
Return live by itself. The piano pieces were meant to
bookend both tunes and create the feel that they were
supposed to be considered as one piece, merely
separated into two physical cd tracks. The piano at
the end of Aura Blue was also intended to be the last
thing you hear on the cd, but DS put that Dark Edit of
Silent Tomorrow on EVERY copy, not just the US version
as initially planned (to my dismay, although i may be alone).
The piano on The Day I Return IS pretty nice. I always like things like that...unexpected things, if you will, from a metal band. Whether it's piano/organ, female vocals, choirs...anything aside from the norm "bass/guitar/vocal/drum" sound interests me.

While I grew up listening, and still do listen, to plenty of those bands, as I've gotten older, I've learned to branch out and appreciate more. ND's been one of my favorite bands ever since I was introduced to them (not personally, but that'd be awesome too).

Still, and maybe I'm in the minority, I DO like the dark edit of Silent Tomorrow.
I think we all like the dark edit version of Silent Tomorrow, it's just that when it was first proposed that we add that track to the album, it was only supposed to be for a limited pressing. Then it wound up being on every single U.S. pressing. Then the European distributor (Pavement) insisted that they wanted the track on their version as well. So what was supposed to be just a limited edition track wound up being basically a part of the album, period...and it was never intended to be by us. As far as I'm concerned, "The Knowing" ends with Aura Blue. That dark edit Silent Tomorrow is just a bonus track, separate from the rest of the album. Eric is right that the album truly should have ended with that piano bit. Being that it's a concept album, when we first recorded it I always thought of that piano section at the end of Aura Blue as being akin to like, the end credits of a movie. Silly perhaps but that's what I envisioned when Eric played it and placed it there at the end of the song (and album).

I too like listening to, and creating, music that has more than just the basic "metal" instrumentation, which is why we've always added those flourishes to our songs. Sometimes it's tricky when in the studio, making the decision where to hold back on that stuff, because you can run the risk of adding too much that you won't be able to replicate later on stage. I love keyboards, and when they're used properly, they're incredibly effective. I'd love to add more organ and shit to our songs, since I'm a big fan of it's sound and of bands like Deep Purple, ELP, etc. Problem is now, Opeth have made that a pretty major feature in their sound as well with Per joining the fold!! Just every which way we turn, we can't escape it hahaha ;)
Anyhow, there'll be keyboards and other interesting sounds on the new disc, as always, and as always we'll try to include those things in new and different ways than we have in the past.
Oh by the way, very cool to hear this piano piece interpreted by someone else. Even though it's not something I played (its allll Eric haha) I still get a big kick out of hearing other people perform any of our music. It's a big compliment to us.