The demos


Oct 21, 2001
I guess most of you have heard the demos? They're nowadays available at

So what do you think of them? I found Moonclad Reflection to be listenable but not anything special. Trail of Life Decayed was great though! IMO their best material after Skydancer. I don't know why but it's just so good.
"Trail of Life Decayed" is an awesome demo (I prefer it to the last DT work-but well it is damn STUPID of me to mention such a thing,cause they belong each to a different DT don't start shouting at me! :D )
It was obvious from this demo that DT would develop into a great band...
what can i say..i LOVE this demo.... :hotjump:
I just listened to A Trail Of Life Decayed yesterday, and have to admit that I didn't really like it. Which maybe wouldn't be that surprising, if you consider that Skydancer is one of my less favourite Dark Tranquillity albums.
But even then... though Skydancer contains quite a few fantastic songs (A Bolt..., Through Ebony Archways, Shadow Duet and Alone are all really impressive IMO) there was nothing on the demo which was able to really impress me.

I have A Moonclad Reflection on MP3 as well, though I haven't listened to it recently... Maybe something for tomorow :D .

Another reason for this might be, that I am someone who really likes to hear music with a crystal clear production... like that on Projector or Haven... Of course bad sound quality doesn't mean bad music, but it still lessens my enjoyment of the music... (so i won't ever be a true black metal fan either)
I also have a problem with bad production; I simply can't stand those "pure black metal" -recordings. Luckily, those DT-demos are of a bit better quality and thus I can - only with heavy concentration - listen to them and valuate them for what they really are. And they are good. Not as great as the later material (except for certain songs I bet you all know, if you read some of my "worst song" -threads), but still good, nonetheless. I especially like "Void of Tranquillity".

Well, I guess after listening to such bands as Darkthrone, Countess, Megiddo and Gravewürm (not Graveworm, that crappy CoF-wannabe band from Italy) the sound quality on Trail of Life Decayed sounds wonderful.
my 2 cents here...
all the stuff pre-skydancer it's dull and boring and not that original....but anyway I'm still trying to hunt trail of life decayed original down :)
Iam going to agree with Melancholia here "Trail of Life Decayed" is my fav demo of DT's work! It put me in the mood if ya know what i meen , hell the 1st time a listend to DT was 2 years ago when i was drunk at a party , and i have been hooked ever since DT is definaty my fav band.