The Devil Wears Prada - Born To Lose

I like everything except the guitar tone, its ridiculously washy. Song is good and other than the guitar the production rocks.

I'm glad they didn't go back to Joey so we can see them change things up a bit. Looking forward to the rest of this album for sure.
Drums are pretty buried, but at the same time the guitars don't seem to poke through much either, and could really do with some more low end. Maybe it's the youtube compression at work? The whole thing just kinda seems mono as fuck.
Lasse is a pro. I don't think he's going to waffle. I don't get it, too.
I think that's Declan's question though. What don't you get? There have been several different opinions expressed in this thread. You guys need to be more specific about who or what you disagree with or don't understand. Otherwise we don't know who you're patronizing.
I think this sounds great, you guys are fucking crazy. hahaha

Different strokes, I personally am so used to hearing this band with sturgis' obscenely over produced, hyper clean style and anything less than that just seems like a step backward. I also feel that sturgis definitely had a better grasp on getting hranica's vocals to sound somewhat passable because in this song they sound like complete shit and don't fit with the music. I think adam did a great job with the chorus sound, much more radio-rock than a sturgis chorus though that could also come down to the way it was written.

There's also some general problems I have with the mix itself i.e the kick being burried and a few other issues though that may largely be due to youtubes compression can't say for sure.

Edit: After listening a few times its starting to grow on me, I still think something is up with the guitars though too much room sound, I don't care for it much.
I dig it... but I tend to like stuff that everyone else here hates.:) I'm definitely a fan of Sturgis' work, but it's nice to hear this band with a new sound.
The production is growing on me a bit.. buuut I still feel that there is people on this board that easily would have done a better job then Adam on this even while going the "natural" route.

Guess he is just one of those people that I will never click with mix wise.