The Devil Wears Prada - Born To Lose

me neither.
Music is boring as fuck but its way better then the other releases of them.
Production is WAYYYYY better then any sturgis stuff.
Because it sounds like real instruments and not like kick10 and snare12

My thoughts exactly, the Sturgis sound is done to death! I hate metalcore but without the vocals and synths it could pass as an As I Lay Dying song.

How does Adam get this kind of guitar sound btw? Very recognisable, reminded me of his Parkway Drive stuff most.

And what do people mean by 'washy'?
I completely agree with everybody being bored with polished and commercial sounding productions, but I don't think Kurt Ballou recording this would have made it much better haha
xTomx said:
My thoughts exactly, the Sturgis sound is done to death! I hate metalcore but without the vocals and synths it could pass as an As I Lay Dying song.

How does Adam get this kind of guitar sound btw? Very recognisable, reminded me of his Parkway Drive stuff most.

And what do people mean by 'washy'?

I have a feeling that he used the Framus Cobra on this record at the tone is very similar to Horizons and The Hymn of a Broken Man.
From the Sturgis forum:

i dont like the mix. i want to say that i think a lot of the programming / keys that i did for this cd are AWESOME AS FUCK but turned down so low that no one will even know i was involved. if only i could show you what it sounded like before it got turned down.

thankfully there are a few parts where adam let the keys / programming shine. but a lot of the stuff IMHO got shut out.
Never have liked fuzzy guitar tones like that for this type of metal, (or any kind really). Seems to take a lot away from the initial attack of the transient, it makes palm mutes sound particularly weak IMO. Also, Im 98% sure the snare tone has got a medium-generous blend of that old sample that got put on alot of releases from 2003-2007...think JFAC - Genesis. Haven't heard that hoe in a while, thought we had fucked that overly snappy bitch in the ass and moved the fuck on!

I think Adam's biggest strength lies is in his production not his mixing, although he has put out some monstrous sounding guitar tones in the past. I like a loose feeling production more than a hyper edited one any day and I feel like they are going for that which I admire.

I do like the chorus vocals a lot. Not a huge ADTR fan but I can definitely hear that dude's input there and it works well. The chorus in general is seriously fucking badass and catchy. Overall I like the song, not so much the mix.