The Devil Wears Prada TONE MATCH

lolol rchoi u r funny
i like you
you have balls

anyone who posts something this shitty deserves a pat on the back, ironic genius at its best.
i just wanna go on record that i feel bad that i had a part in this getting out of hand and im sorry. you guys should do what you want, and if 20 dollars or 40 dollars is what you think your product is worth, then thats cool. I just think sooner or later the smarter musicians will strive for a higher quality recording and a more enlightening recording experience.

haha your actually prety much fully responsible, your brought up the vid :heh: Either way, kudos for apologizing, im sure TS will apreciate it.
lolol rchoi u r funny
i like you
you have balls

anyone who posts something this shitty deserves a pat on the back, ironic genius at its best.

Quite digging your passive-aggressive style lately. :lol:

And yeah, I, for one, think my mixes are often at least at the level of (or better) than some of the HCAF kids who migrated here who mix "professionally", ripping off bands with crap mixes and prices the aforementioned mixes aren't even worth.

And for the love of god, if you don't run a studio, don't call yourself a studio. Jeff coined the situation quite well.
Guys guys guys! Let's not get the thread derailed here! Back to the OP...

The tone is pretty different and doesn't retain any of the 'good' qualities of the original..

the tone is pretty shitty and doesn't retain any of the "good" qualitys of anything.
it hasnt got me a second ban yet, this is good

haha, working on ir? ;)

nah, IMO it's perfectly cool to say the tone is shitty if that is your opinion....
would be diferent if you called someone a faggot cocksucking retard or whatever ;).

Although I did call Ermz a cunt recently...but he deserved it for giving me GAS ;)

Also...Sorry to the OP for OT. if you wanna open a new thread about this to get some hints and tips it would be cool with me and I'd try to keep it's obviously too late for this thread though