The Devil Wears Prada TONE MATCH

you dont even know what my mixes sound like
you dont even know what i own
is that what makes a fucking studio?
someone who has the tools?
i know people who own shit
and they got GREAT tracks
u know what i dont really give a fuck if i get banned

you guys dont diserve to be cocky
some guys on here like gareth, Ermz, catharsis or w/e his name is Does

they got jack shit compared to "real studios" and their shit sounds great

this isnt a friendly metal forum anymore
this is just a talk shit forum

and people who charge 20 dollars or a 1000 dollars can call themselves whatever they fuckin want

jeff and lasse...
the trick in audio recording is to make magic without a magic tool kit

your probably too stupid to know what that means

First of all, your grammar is fucking atrocious. Second of all, I give zero fucks - your post alone discredits you enough.

Personally, I think this is still a great and friendly metal forum. Just because you chose to be an antagonizing, arrogant douche and can't back up your claims with any semblance of a legitimate argument and we've responded accordingly does not mean that this place sucks.

If everyone but you is insane, who's the one who really needs a brain check?
you dont even know what my mixes sound like
you dont even know what i own
is that what makes a fucking studio?
someone who has the tools?
i know people who own shit
and they got GREAT tracks
u know what i dont really give a fuck if i get banned

you guys dont diserve to be cocky
some guys on here like gareth, Ermz, catharsis or w/e his name is Does

they got jack shit compared to "real studios" and their shit sounds great

this isnt a friendly metal forum anymore
this is just a talk shit forum

and people who charge 20 dollars or a 1000 dollars can call themselves whatever they fuckin want

jeff and lasse...
the trick in audio recording is to make magic without a magic tool kit

your probably too stupid to know what that means

K buddy, too much is too much...I showed you the facts without any namecalling or had to go back to your old self again...this got you banned the last time.
this time "but it was my roommate typing this" won't help you.
you're not welcome on this forum anymore.

I have nothing against lively discussions (even if some discussions are stupid and some people will just not learn)...but the point when you call me a faggot cause I'm telling you facts about the business is the point when you cross the line.

fuck off!

everyone else: let's stay away from the name calling, that won't convince people, especially not stupid people....
wow, I think banning was a little extreme. ahh w/e, fuck it we'll do it live :)
However through the excessive amounts of cursing and insults Line Level did have a point, Its about what you do with what you got. just me two cents.

EDIT: oh hes been banned before.... didnt know that.
wow, I think banning was a little extreme. ahh w/e, fuck it we'll do it live :)
However through the excessive amounts of cursing and insults Line Level did have a point, Its about what you do with what you got. just me two cents.

It has ALWAYS been about the guy, not the gear, nobody is going to argue that.

The problem is that there is a basic level of quality required, and thus a basic entry fee, gear/space wise, for people to call themselves a studio, producer, engineer, etc.
way to ban - 1
i'v seen people say much worse on this forum and their still here...
this is stupid
wow, I think banning was a little extreme. ahh w/e, fuck it we'll do it live :)
However through the excessive amounts of cursing and insults Line Level did have a point, Its about what you do with what you got. just me two cents.

EDIT: oh hes been banned before.... didnt know that.

yeah, was a history to that, he went completely crazy just after he joined and then claimed it was his roommate insulting everyone, so although noone believed him we gave him a second chance...he's been nothing but trouble.
really I'm the last one to ban someone just because he doesn't agree or a discussion gets heated, but this dude had a history of being a cunt
woah....I have kids? Seriously though...the reason I'm siding with kids who have small studios is that I was there 8 months ago. Now I do have my own gear, I do have my own place, But I'm still really cheap because I'm still learning. I don't even remember what the thread was about in the first place....let's move on.
Don't give me this "how else am I supposed to start out" nonsense. You start out the same way anyone starts out learning anything, like Lasse said. You don't learn to be a structural engineer by designing houses for people for $15/house and learning through trial and error what fell down and killed everyone and what didn't. You find someone to teach you and put yourself in an environment where you can learn the trade and when you have developed the necessary skills you can try opening a studio.

can I come hang out? :goggly: haha

I'll clean your bathrooms.
Maybe I'll go download some cracked medicine and cracked surgical tools and open a veterinary clinic in the spare bedroom at my parents house and charge $15 per pet to fix sick animals, there's nothing wrong with that right guys?

Holy shit Adam. I can't stop laughing.

i just wanna go on record that i feel bad that i had a part in this getting out of hand and im sorry. you guys should do what you want, and if 20 dollars or 40 dollars is what you think your product is worth, then thats cool. I just think sooner or later the smarter musicians will strive for a higher quality recording and a more enlightening recording experience.