The Devin Townsend Thread


I love ALL his work.

Terria is BY FAR my favorite, Followed by Biomech, then infinity, thenCity, then Ass Sordid Demos, then Heavy is a heathy thing, then Punky Bruster,

Ass Sordid Demos is highly underated and unheard, it is a truly amazing album, challenging infinity in my opinion.

He is a pure genius.

EDIT: Ooops, I forgot Physisist. His least best work, but phenomenal none the less.
uhmmmmm don't know how I ended posting here....but well!

oh! Devin Townsend...still a newbie to his music, and so I guess it's normal I have as my fave Terria.... I love it all, and the whole artwork done by Travis Smith is just mindblowing!!!

won't ever thank Devin as hard as I would like and as he deserves for creating Stagnant!!!!!!!!!!!
a song I would say is very special to me, once I heard, and now that I know the girl I love loves it too!!! :)

fathervic (ehmmmm not regular here)
@fathervic: Don't be a stranger! Be sure to check out the many argument/political/philosophical threads in the chat/off topic Opeth Forum. Exercise your intellect and have a flame battle or two. It's not as pointless as it might seem. There are many jokes there besides. It's ghettolicious. :)
My top townsend list

1)Ocean Machine:Biomech
2)Devin Townsend's Terria
3)Strapping Young Lad:City
4)Devin Townsend: Infinity
5)Strapping Young LAd-Heavy...
6)Devin Townsend's Physicist

also great is Official Live (Tokyo)
I am new, as well. I have heard only one song. Stagnant on Terria per FatherVic's recommendation. I like it! Can someone recomend the best couple of songs from each of his projects? Remember I know nothing about him....are Terria and Ocean machine projects or is it actually titled "Devin Townsend (artist) - (Terria) album - Stagnant (song)??
Strapping Young Lad, Ocean Machine and Punky Bruster are generally viewed as "projects." Everything else is labelled as Devin Townsend-Terria/Physicist/Infinity.

For me he ranks up there with Dan Swano.

I love it all but here are some recommendations from me:

Terria:"Earth Day," "Nobody Here"
Ocean Machine: "Regulator," "Bastard"
Strapping Young Lad: "All Hail the New Flesh," "Room 429"
Infinity: "Christeen," "War"
Physicist: "Namaste"
Punky Bruster: "I'm a Fake Punk"

Oh man, now I just want to stay up all night listening to Devin...
Originally posted by Kushantaiidan
I'm still the only one here who has mentioned Ass Sordid Demos.

If you are a devy fan, and tyou haven't heard the album, you are missing out on his typically top grade music.

It's my least favourite but, for you, I will listen to it three times tomorrow to see if it grows on me.

Well, well, well, Canada's finally having some attention :)

Sullen Jester, you're missing an awesome artist.

Fave songs on Infinity (my favorite album so far, have heard them all, but don't own them all) : Bad Devil (can't get more catchy), War, Ants, Noisy Pink Bubbles and Colonial Boy.

@Ilamura : Where are you from in Canada ?