the Dio appreciation thread

Coverdale sounds nowgere near as good as he did when he started out with Deep Purple. His voice these days is pretty shot.

Of all of the singers from that era, I would say that Glenn Hughes's voice has remained in top condition. It is probably even better these days than it was when he was wih Purple.
Coverdale was WAY better in the 1987 era Whitesnake than he ever was with Deep Purple Sprucey!
Well... He was different. Whether he was better or not is all up to opinion. I like his more throaty rock voice from Burn and Stormbringer, when he was a young 21 year old ragamuffin

But listen to him in the modern day and you will see that he is nowhere near as powerful as he was in the 70's or 80's
His voice was just as throaty in the late '80s as in his early days, and with more power, better tone and a better range in my opinion.

His peak is clearly on "Slip Of The Tongue" and "1987" and not just because they are the 2 best Whitesnake albums either!