The Draft


Dragon of the Aesir
Mar 3, 2002
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It has been suggested that the draft be reinstalled. For those who are unfamilier with the draft it's when the Goverment randomly picks you to serve in the military when you turn 18(as it was explained to me). Well, what do you good people think about that?

Mostly, what about 18 year old females? Should they be drafted?? I turn 18 in May and am all for it. A lot of women complain about equality and shit like that, so now go prove yourself. The counter agrument is this:

1) Women are more vunerable and if captured can be tortured more so(i.e. rape, etc)
2) Another argument that was made is that teen pregnancy would rise due to females escaping the draft.

Note: I am against the war, but it being in session now, I see no reason to pull back; only go forward and kick ass. And I would serve should I be drafted, I'd be scared shitless, but netherless.
I personally disagree with the this point, we have a lot of people who seem ready and willing to volunteer. If it becomes necessary, I personally would attempt to dodge it because:
A) I do not support this war. I'd fight and die for a cause that reflected my interests, not this one.
B) I'd be a liability out there on the battlefield. I've never used a gun, I'm a bit undersized, and getting shot at scares the shit out of me. I could try to conquer my fear, but why try when there's someone infinitely more fit for this kind of thing in line behind me?
C) I think I could serve the nation better in other ways, such as through my writing. The army provides a means to live, the artists provide a reason for living. Hell, put me on rear-echelon communications or even military finance, and I'll gladly serve. But I refuse to die or endanger other soldiers for a war I do not support. Find someone who knows what they're doing and is willing to do it.

I'm not sure about the drafting women thing...equality would suggest that we go ahead, but it would probably piss off a lot of conservatives. I guess if it came to a vote, I'd go with equality.
that's why they would train you, to get fit and ready for the job :) I don't agree with the war either but I'd rather die fighting out there than get killed in some terriost attack or else of the like here. If not fight for the reason of the war then fight for your beliefs. How else would I be elgible for Vahalla? I perfer face to face combat, I need to see who I'm killing though.

If there wasn't a draft I'm not too sure if I would join the military.

A lot of people I talked to weren't too fond of the women being drafted idea.
Good to see a female who understands that feminism cant have it both ways- if women want to be total equals to men- there is no reason they cant serve on the front lines. Women have been serving in the Israeli army for years, and Russian Women served galliantly on the front lines in WWII.
well i know if i was a woman i would in no way support the draft- let the men do it for you- but still i think for the feminist position to have any credibility, this is one case where woman can actually go to war and be just as effective as men.
If I lived in the U.S. and was gonna be drafted I'd ask a guy to break both my knees with a hammer some days before I had my physical or something

and I don't think valhalla is a good place to go to after all
1)You'll have a battle everyday and die,then come back to life so you can go to battle the next day
2)you are gonna be killed in Ragnarok after all
It's the thought behind actually be worthy enough to feast with the Gods, sit at their tables, fight alongside them. It's about honor.

Ragnarok isn't so bad. Some die, some don't, you still gotta chance if you entered Vahalla young enough. And I perfer this doomsday, no matter how violent you put it, over the christian's doomsday.
No one lives after Ragnarok
Ragnarok is the end of everything,even the gods die there
only 3 are allowed to survive and they have to start again
I kinda like it when Gods die...things make sense, from the perspective of reason.

I don't know, having spent the better part of 11 years in the Army, one war, etc., I give mixed reviews on the subject. Advancing social agendas is never beneficial for an outfit that makes its wage encouraging extreme prejudice. But, there were some women I remember that could fuck you up! Enemy beware!