The Drink-o-Meter health is better than ever. Ah, but I just got a warning from the high school teacher here...I should ah, tone down my opinions on class mates or some shit...tsk...
Patric said: health is better than ever. Ah, but I just got a warning from the high school teacher here...I should ah, tone down my opinions on class mates or some shit...tsk...
Patric, I hope you will make it to 18 that ll be too sad for you to leave us that early, in the primmeeeeee of hissss life ............. some Typo Neg song ahhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhh
I am 18, it's just this motherfucker Belgar who said I was under, don't listen to him. But yah, I better start early ya know? My resistance is getting higher..
My view on foreigner are very different, and more relaxed, than other Europeans cause some of my friends are from Muslim countries. Yup, Malmö street G's...hahah....and thank god they drink beer...
Its not the muslim part. At least I think that it didnt matter that much 20-30 yrs. ago... However with the rise of extremist fanatic muslim terrorism opinions change.... I only wondered how are ppl there, feelings, thoughts etc. as someone that lives in quite a similar situation. Despite thefact that Istanbul had 4 blasts in a week whilst Haifa had so much in almost 3 years I sympathize with the citizens of Istanbul.
I'm suprised the Istanbul bombing even made it to our European newspapers. White coloured people can die and our lifes are in shock but when something happens to a Muslim nation it seems like it's just another day.
christcrusher said:
Shit, Patric. I have to go to class or I cannot get drunk that night. That is my motto, and my treat for going to class. I only drink like 3-4 times a week which is fucking chill compared to this summer. I think I didn't drink one day out of the entire summer while I was in India and here. Fucking insane! My battle wounds are now permanent scars from my drunken conquests! woohoo, yeah me!

ah yes, going to class drunk, a ritual going to school in brooklyn, ny where the liquor is half the price of bottled water
You're from Brooklyn? That's fucking awesome. I'm visiting there soon. Ah, my friend's Gustav G and Nicklas almost got thrown out of high school cause they've been drinking 4 times a week and came to class very drunk from the day after...and sometimes downing 6 beers/ciders each in the morning. tsk tsk...
I know man, I know-that's how I got introduced to the part cause I've been a TON fan since the age of 13. I hope to come to Brooklyn soon, see my Sis lives in Queens. I'm going to combine it with a few good shows.
Belgar said:
One more reason why Turkey will/should never make it in the EU. Last thing we need is some half muslim country in the EU, not that the turks aren't already all over northern Europe .... sigh .... sigh ..... Well, just my opinion.

and why do you think that we shouldnt becouse we r muslims? even if one of you die in a terrorist attack you make the whole fuckn world hear about it

but turkish life doesnt mean YOU anything right? but it does i lost my bestfriend in that bombing

thnx patric btw at least u seem to understand us..
and do you know that we have lost over 40.000 ppl in terrorist attacks for 15 years??

no ofcourse you dont you would probably were still thinking that we r a terrorist country righT?

we were in this war even before all the world KNEW the real meaning of terrorism

and thats why your UE put turkey in the terrorist list righT?

becouse we were in war against PKK (ı doubt u know the name)..

at least have some respect to the dead...

P.S:we are not an arabic culture for those who dont know that yet.